By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Let’s keep America free. Free to evangelize. Free to gather together as God’s people in church—in large churches or small. Free to worship. And free to read God’s Word openly anywhere and at any time.

This election is a fight between all the powers of hell and all the powers of righteousness. How can the righteous nonchalantly stand idly by and not vote for life and righteousness?

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for life in the womb.
A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for death in the womb.

I believe God has had enough of it! He will act and judge this country if we do not stand in the gap, pray, and vote for life. If we do not vote, we permit the enemy of life to succeed. The eternal consequences that this country will have to bear is too much to even contemplate.

It’s not only abortion, but many other moral issues. No evangelical in their right mind can stand by and do nothing to stop this great country from falling into the hands of the globalists and extreme socialists who want this nation to fail and fall away from all that is godly.

Not only would there be no Bible in schools (it’s already outlawed although the Koran is okay) but there would be no Bibles anywhere. Check out North Korea.

Churches will be closed. They are already trying to shut them down. It’s not the virus. It’s the extreme socialist agenda! So sad that many Christians are falling for it. It is just a forerunner for what will happen to our beloved free America if Biden/Harris are voted in with their communist agenda.

Psalm 92:16: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell