WhatItTakesPsalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

We must beseech God as never before, that we, and the people of this country will not be deceived.

All of a sudden, with the passing of the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, this election has taken on a whole new impetus. This election is now deeply rooted in the founding documents of our nation. Religious freedom protects the rights of the religious beliefs of all peoples. The Christian citizens of this nation should not have to bow down to the demands of the homosexual agenda. I myself feel very deeply about this and I do not believe that someone’s business should have to serve the homosexual community by being forced to bake them a wedding cake, etc.

Likewise, Christian hospitals should not be forced to provide against fundamental beliefs. The Catholic Sisters hospital being forced to provide contraception, sterilization or abortions, or pay fines etc. is against the religious rights of these people’s beliefs.

The financing and support for Planned Parenthood groups is taken out of taxpayer’s pockets and multitudes of Christians find this offensive.

Our Supreme Court is all about the preservation and interpretation of the founding documents on which this nation was built. Because Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, a two-faced wolf in sheep’s clothing should not even be considered for election for the nation’s presidency. Donald Trump promises to make this country great, rich, and powerful again. Many shallow Christians put this before the foundational, conservative truths on which this country was founded. I ask the question: what is the point of voting in someone to make America rich, powerful, and great at the expense of losing our constitutional rights and liberties? What is the point of building a mansion or castle if the foundations are soon to collapse?

Donald Trump does not in any way have a proven track record on conservative values. In fact, his track record shows that he is a democrat. He states in public that he was always opposed to the Iraq war. However, Glen Beck shares that in one of his books he reveals the opposite, especially at the beginning of the war.

Both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are strongly for another Scalia type Supreme Court judge and both could be trusted to preserve the foundations of our nation. However, I definitely favor Ted Cruz to be the strongest of the two.

Our nation is being sifted by God to see if we still have what it takes to preserve the conservative values that have been the strong foundations of our past.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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