By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 09 January 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Psalm 144:6: “Shoot our thine arrows and destroy them.”

God wants His enemies destroyed. God does not want some of His enemies destroyed. He wants all his enemies destroyed. Our great God believes in spiritual warfare. Therefore, He believes in the active deployment of His military hardware which includes shooting arrows.

I believe that God is not interested in parading His arrows so the world can see what amazing arrows He has in His quiver. No, the above Scripture speaks of active arrows. They are shooting arrows.

None of God’s arrows are for the purpose of ornamentation. I think a lot of churches are more interested in parading arrows rather than being on the front lines—shooting and destroying enemies.

How we love our magnificent church cathedrals with all their ornamental grandeur, our fine Sunday suits, hairdos, and dresses. The church was never meant to be a fancy dress ball (although sometimes today it’s like going to the beach!)

No enemies of the Lord have ever been, nor will they ever be destroyed by such a false representation of the Lord who is “mighty in battle.” The Lord of Hosts is His name. And this name means “the Lord of armies.”

Psalm 24:8: “Who is the King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.”

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell