jordan river7.    THE ARK OF THY STRENGTH, No. 2 continued.


Isaiah 45:22 says: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.”

As New Testament believers, we know that God has provided an ark to save us from the floods of evil, sin, and death that our sins and the sins of our nation have brought upon us. We must never take our eyes off our ark, Jesus Christ. If we take our eyes off Him we will soon find ourselves in the same swamp in which much of our country is floundering.

Sad to say, even much of the church has taken its eyes off Jesus our Ark and is also floundering in the swamp of the world’s ways of living.

Joshua 3:3: “And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests and Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and GO AFTER IT.” Even when it doesn’t appeal to your logical mind, keep your eyes upon the ark and follow!

The people of Noah’s day never looked to the ark to save them because it did not appeal to their logical minds. They did not believe that a flood could or would destroy them.

Floods are a fearful thing to us, but floods to not faze God! God promises in Isaiah 43:2: “When thou passest through the waters, I WILL BE WITH THEE; and through the rivers, THEY SHALL NOT OVERFLOW THEE.”

We have a flood of fake media trying to destroy us. We have a flood of leftist propaganda in our state education system trying to destroy our children and young people. We have a flood of corruption in the high places of our government trying to destroy our constitutional rights. We have a flood of maniacs on our streets—brawling, screaming, kicking, punching, and destroying the lives of innocent people, i.e. ISIS, and now extreme right and left wing groups from within our own society.

Praise God, amid all this, God has provided us an Ark on which we must keep our eyes and follow when it moves.

Jordan overflowed its banks at the time when God said to Joshua (who is a type of Christ), to tell the priests to take the ark and lead the people into the flood waters. This defies all human logic, but God specializes in things that are impossible.

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?

Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through?

God specializes in things thought impossible

And He can do what no other can do!

Let’s read the whole story in Joshua 3:13-17 (NLT): “’The priests will carry the Ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth. As soon as their feet touch the water, the flow of water will be cut off upstream, and the river will stand up like a wall.’

“So the people left their camp to cross the Jordan, and the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them. It was the harvest season, and the Jordan was overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river’s edge, the water above that point began backing up a great distance away at a town called Adam. And the water below that point flowed on to the Dead Sea until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people crossed over near the town of Jericho.

“Meanwhile, the priests who were carrying the Ark of the LORD’S Covenant stood on dry ground in the middle of the riverbed as the people passed by. They waited there until the whole nation of Israel had crossed Jordan on dry ground.”

The family of Noah were the only ones who really had their eyes on the ark and they were saved.

The children of Israel were also saved by looking at the ark and following it. So shall we be saved from the floods of evil if we keep our eyes on our Ark who is Jesus Christ and follow Him.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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