By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 07 August 2018
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


I would like to encourage each one of you, along with your family, to see the movie put out by Dinesh D’Souza called THE DEATH OF A NATION.

God has anointed Donald Trump to be our 45th president. However, never has there ever been a president who has received so much hateful slander against him. He is called a racist and every negative phobic there is in the dictionary. He is also called a traitor, Hitler, and even a fascist.

Go to this movie. It puts the record straight. This is an absolute must to see and please take your young people who are so easily duped and fooled by the false media.

I was saddened at the poor attendance at the first weekend showing where we went to see the movie. Apart from the young people we took, there were no other young people there. And yet it is so important that our young people know the truth.

There is plenty of action in the movie and everything is based on historical documented truth. Don’t miss and take your young people if you, even if you must drag them there.

Check the Internet for the nearest theater. You may have to travel as it is not in all theaters. If it is not in the one near you, call the manager and ask why.

~ Colin Campbell