Psalm 144:11-12 says, “Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood… that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”

David prayed that the Lord would deliver him from the strange brethren who were sowing seeds of false doctrine. Men, this should also be our prayer. The enemy of our souls is forever seeking ways to sow seeds of falsehood into our families. He wants to distort the image of God which God wants to reveal in us.

He wants our daughters to be like the polished cornerstones of a palace. Gem stones are not attractive until they are cut and polished. The Lord wants to use us men, along with our wives, to work with Him in the cutting and polishing. As fathers, we must keep close to God, for only God is the Master Diamond Cutter, and only God can guide our hands to polish our daughters to be the cornerstones of our society and culture.

The cornerstone was always the most important stone in the foundation of the ancient buildings. In this Scripture, the Holy Spirit highlights the importance of daughters in God’s plan. How sad it would be if we should allow some false teaching to distort the cutting and polishing. The building becomes less than a palace because of our ignorance, haphazardness or lack of patience and understanding.

Men, our daughters need us fathers almost as much as their mothers to see this beautiful palace come into being.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell

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