TensionFreeIt is important to have a loving, peaceful atmoshere in our homes so that our families will be blessed. Our homes would be places where our children have a strong sense of belonging.

God sets the solitary in families so they can feel secure and at home (Psalm 68:6). Anyone who does not have a sense of belonging to a family can often feel very lonely and insecure. People who do not have a homelife will often feel unwanted, and not needed.

What I am talking about can also apply to a church. There are some churches where the leadership are at odds with each other, fighting amongst themselves. Often in times like this many people will be offended and leave the church. Every church should have a strong atmosphere of love, peace, joy, and a feeling of being at home. If a church does not have an atmosphere of feeling ‘at home,” all I can say is find one that does.

These are days where many young people are leaving their homes because of the pain of not feeling loved and wanted. They can only get their pain of loneliness and hurts satisfied temporarily by drugs and needles containing opioids and dangerous drugs. All of this is because their deepest desires are not being met by families caring for each other.

Ultimately it takes Christian homes where prayer, praise, worship, and God’s word is a high priority.

Children need to know that their Mommy and Daddy truly love each other—by the way they speak and communicate to teach other before their children. Every child needs to daily experience the loving, caring interest and interactions of a loving father and mother.

As parents, we must resist all negative debates, arguments, and all that which creates an atmosphere of tension, stress, and emotional disorders between each other, as well as our children.

We need to train our children in early life through appropriate discipline, as well as constant encouragement, to live peaceably with each other.

Romans 12:18: “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”

How can we invite people into our homes if our homes are chaotic and anything but peaceable? I think that tensions are often felt long before they are heard. People who have tensions are really very difficult to live with. We must take a strong stand against tensions in our own lives.

Psalm 144:15: “Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Illustration by Frances Hook – 1963.


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