SpreadHopeWe are certainly living in challenging times, aren’t we? It seems like nearly everything in this great country is being challenged. I would like to share with your seven different areas where we are currently being challenged.


What will happen to this country if Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, with their pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, $3 trillion tax plan, New Green Deal, universal background checks, no borders, slashing the defense budget, and communist plans, win the White House in these coming elections? And the elections are less than three months away. May Almighty God have mercy upon us.


Our great cities are being challenged with wild, lawless, destructive anarchists screaming out obscenities as they smash and loot innocent people’s properties and businesses. And mayors and governors stand back and watch the destruction of their own cities. It’s time to be on our knees, crying out to God.


Our economy which was so strong a few months ago is being challenged by the lockdown, mask-waring, social distancing, and strangle-holding mayors, governors, and government officials. Plus the trillions of dollars in stimulus packages to help those who wait for jobs and businesses to return to normal.


We are challenged with the COVID-19 health crisis which has injected enormous fear into the general population. People are subjected to fear-mongering by leftist politicians, governors, mayors, and also physicians who want to make the most of this pandemic to bring about a change in government.


We are being challenged by health officials who are flat out lying to us about the importance of masks. And now Dr. Farci is recommending goggles as well! Has he gone crazy?

In some states they mandate masks to be worn as soon as you leave your home. How is it that intelligent people don’t check the size of the virus and compare it to the size of the pores in the various cloth masks.

Dr. Simone Gold, MD., FABEM., JD., states: “The pore size of cloth face coverings range from 20 – 100 microns. The COVID virus is 200 – 1000 x smaller than that, at 0.1 microns. Putting a chain link fence will not keep out a mosquito.”

The general public are being lied to. We are dumbed down by leftists and wealthy people like Bill Gates who wants to control the earth’s population. They found a way to release a rogue virus in China snd get the whole world to wear stupid non-effective masks so the will be so sick of the crazy things they will gladly dispose of them for the coming vaccine! His biometric, trackable vaccine may contain possible life shortening substances. Bill Gates is currently being challenged in court for deaths in Africa and other countries because his vaccines.

The good thing is that challenges are not the end all. Challenges are to be overcome. Let’s not sit down and become victims to what is happening. Let's walk in our freedoms give to us in the Constitution. Let's walk in obedience to God's Word.

Let’s rise up in positivity and inspire hope and faith in everyone we meet. Let’s get down on our knees daily to pray before our mighty God that He will bare His mighty right arm and deliver us.

More tomorrow.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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