By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 08 November 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The elections are all over. I, for one, am very disappointed with the results. I feel this country has shot itself in the foot and is too brain dead to realize it. I trust that the counting of the votes was not rigged, that the voices that got Obama re-elected were legitimate, and that each person that voted was a legitimate citizen. I have grave doubts.

Thank God, this election does not affect our heavenly kingdom, for it is unshakeable! Perhaps the Lord is going to use Obama and all his cronies to teach America a lesson or two on what it means to take our liberties and freedoms for granted. May God have mercy on us and may He give our Congress godly wisdom so they will not compromise our true values. They will be severely tested.

I have been fasting and praying for these elections and sense right now to continue to do so. I pray that USA will experience another great turning back to God. I believe this is the deepest need of our country.

MEN, BUCKLE UP YOUR BELTS AS NEVER BEFORE, because we face a real rough ride in the next four years. Stand up for truth in every situation.

Be encouraged. Colin