By Colin Campbell on Saturday, 17 November 2018
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Jeremiah 51;11 “Make bright the arrows.”

The arrows God calls for are bright arrows. They have outstanding qualities. They are happy, cheerful, smart, intelligent, glorious, splendid, and full of promise and hope. These arrows have not been dumbed down by the humanistic agenda of our state schools. They have not been deceived by schools that outlaw the Bible which contains the true source of light.

The arrows God calls forth from the wombs and loins of godly parents have bright eyes and bright countenances. They are arrows that are educated in the truth of God’s Holy Word and not the humanistic reasoning and teaching of educators who do not walk in the light.

Light begets light; darkness begets darkness.

The arrows God calls for not only reflect light like the moon on a clear night, but they also emit light because the true source of light dwells within them.

God calls all Christian parents to “make bright the arrows.”

A dumbed down society cannot make bright arrows, only dumbed down arrows. Drugs, pornography, and all types of immorality tend to fog and dumb down the human brain, the affections, heart, and spirit as well as character and creativity.

The Scripture in Jeremiah 51:11 exhorts us to make our arrows bright. To make bright arrows does not happen spontaneous or automatically. It takes sacrifice, diligence, and hard work.

God does not want us to make average, ordinary, dull arrows that will not bring honor and glory to His name. As Christian parents we must take full responsibility to make sure our children are brightened by the education and lifestyle we provide for them.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. We will continue to look at the different kinds of arrows God wants us to raise.