By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 19 December 2013
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Psalm 11:3 says, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" All that goes on in our home and family life is a vital part of the foundations of the nation. I believe that no matter how good our Constitution and laws, no matter how liberal our education including how much money we pour into it, if it does nothing to build up the relationships and morals of the family unit in the home, society will fail.
"God was once our glory, but now the flesh is our glory."

Unfortunately, our state education system sides with those who want to destroy our nation's moral absolutes and godly values. The Bible, prayer, true Christianity, and all the principles of moral godliness that were accepted and revered by our founding fathers are now shunned, despised, and fought against. And to our own peril and shame.

Our nation is hell bent on taking its clothes off (nudity). Pop stars become famous through revealing all and depravity fills the minds of our youth. God was once our glory, but now the flesh is our glory. As our glory goes down, so our morals go down. Even the so-called "church" permits and accepts an ever increasing flaunting of the flesh.

Men, the Bible addresses godly moral values, marriage, family life, and home values. I believe that, more than ever, the preachers of today's church must address the values of the home and family. Not only the preachers, but every Christian father and mother must arise and take their stand for these most important values.

If you observe your children dressing indiscreetly, do something about it. If you discover your children are listening or watching that which is inappropriate for godliness, do something about it. Pray about it. And address the matter NOW!

Malachi 4:6 says, "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell