The apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 13:4 that "Love is patient." We have to concede from this truth that if the love we say we have fore our wife, family, and others has little patience, then we do not have the love Paul was talking about. The patience of Christ's love was most revealed amidst the jeering and scoffing at the time of His crucifixion. What patience He displayed while hanging on the cross. It enabled Him to cry out to God His Father to "Forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Many marriage problems are a result of pseudo love that lacks patience.

Impatience with our children does not convince them of our love. Patient love does not demand immediate change from immaturity to maturity for just as it takes years for a baby to become an adult, so maturity of character takes time. And times requires patience.

The best way for a marriage and family life to develop in all aspects of maturity is for us men, along with our wives, to role model PATIENT love. Some men are more patient with their animals than they are with their wife and children.

Be encouraged to be patient.

Colin Campbell