Fathers, we know that love is a subject of the highest importance. It is most unfortunate that generally speaking love is viewed by much of the church as just a beautiful doctrine to be admired and talked about from time to time. We are most grateful, that despite all our faults and failings, God still loves us. Jesus Christ's death upon the cross on our behalf shows how much God loves us.

It seems to me that the great disconnect with us believers is that while we are so absorbed with Christ's love for us, we fail miserably to role model this same love in our marriage and home where love counts most! Yet, fathers and mothers have this great privilege, right in their own homes, to not only talk about love, but more importantly to role model God's love every day and in every way.

If love is not being role modeled in our own marriage and family, we can forget evangelism and all the outreach programs to the lost and dying world for we are just hypocrites.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell