By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 05 September 2013
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Jesus says in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." The world gives false peace. It's often a band aid and has no lasting value. The question we must ask ourselves is: Is the peace I seek His peace or something else?

Role modeling peace is not an inactive thing. Many think that all you have to do to have peace is to be quiet and do nothing. Yet, people can be quiet and still not have peace. If we are anxious, worried and stressed, doing nothing about it will not necessarily bring peace. In order to have peace we usually have to deal with the source of the problem.

If we have a leaking faucet that keeps us awake at night, there is only one thing to do. Fix it! Why is it that we men often procrastinate when dealing with a teenager or child who constantly disturbs the peace in the family home? Negative attitudes and moods must be dealt with by fathers and mothers who seek to role model peace. Our responsibility as parents is to constantly draw our peace from God, through Jesus Christ, and disperse it to our family life first and then into all situations in which we find ourselves.

I believe that true peace is perhaps the most misunderstood virtue in the world. The world wants peace on its own terms. It especially does not want the peace of God that comes through obedience to Jesus Christ. The world does not want Christians bothering them with the claims of Jesus Christ. The world does not want our conservative ways. It does not like our restraining influences.

Even many so-called believers do not feel obligated to pray, read the Scriptures, or even attend church regularly. They want peace on their own terms. But, is peace on our terms the same as peace on God's terms?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell