Because fatherhood is the greatest role given to men, we need to take time to rediscover its importance by seeking, studying, searching the Scriptures, and praying this great role into being.

The truth is that although God is known by many great names and each one gives further understanding and knowledge of our amazing God, I think His greatest name is ABBA FATHER. He is the Father of fathers. He is the absolute source of true fatherhood. He is the prototype of all fatherhood. Fatherhood, and all that means, derives its being and existence from God, our ABBA FATHER

I do not believe that it is possible for us to be the fathers God intends us to be without a close personal understanding of God as our own true Abba Father. I personally thank and praise God that I can call the mighty Creator of all things my own Abba Father. I could not possibly imagine what my relationship with God would be if I did not know Him as my own personal Abba Father.

Fatherhood implies intimate relationship and personal care, interest, and protection. Fatherhood also implies ownership and a great sense of personal responsibility and belonging.

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named" (Ephesians 3:14-15).

Be encouraged. Colin