By Colin Campbell on Monday, 27 April 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


ince coming home from our speaking trip in Europe I have been very busy catching up on many things needing my attention. I am now back to writing for MEAT FOR MEN.

I felt that our time in Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, The Netherlands, and Belgium was anointed of the Lord and the message of encouragement to have and raise the godly seed was hopefully accepted. All these countries have very low birth rates and churches desperately need the vision as to why they need to resist the tide of humanistic opinion. They do not in any way take into account God's mandate to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue, and take dominion (Genesis 1:28). These European nations are halving themselves within the space of approximately 30 years and without immigration of Islamics and other non-Christian cultures they will quickly become extinct. It's just a matter of time which is quickly running out.

Everywhere we went the people treated us with loving and generous hospitality. We thank God for the health and strength He has given us to travel and take so many hours of public speaking. While in Poland I turned 75 years on April 1`st. Apart from a bone spur in my left heel which slows me down somewhat I feel very healthy. God is good.

Colin Campbell