standgapThere are several countries who want America to be a part of an extreme socialist/communistic ungodly, church-hating, one world government but Donald Trump has been the big problem because he believes in the sovereignty of all nations. The EC, for example, is full of problems because certain member states have had to foot the bill for delinquent badly run states that do not know how to work. There is a huge waste of money on a huge over-bloated administration of unelected officials who are always forcing member states as to what they can and cannot do. No wonder England wanted out!
Is this what we would want for this nation? Socialism/communism always seeks to tread down the church and persecute those who they think are against moral, government, and national corruption.
America has held high the banner of religious freedom and liberty. Communism does not want freedom based on the truth of the Bible. They want freedom to include all manner of sexual misconduct. They want freedom to include all manner of stealing, lying, fraudulence. They want freedom of speech only if it is what they believe. They will lie their heads off so long as they can convince the people that the apple on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will be good for them.
However, what these communist/socialists really want is a people brought to poverty, a people who were once rich but made poor and totally dependent on a false and atheistic dictatorship. They become the persecutors of all those who dare to question. This type of power squashes innovation and self-betterment because it requires everyone to be on the same level of housing and income, etc., except the elite leadership.
They want power with enormous control of everything you do and say. This is why thy put brutal police on their borders, not to keep people from coming in but to keep the masses from breaking out.
This Biden fraudulent government is hell-bent on a Chinese style communist dictatorship. We are already experiencing it. We already have communism without a shot being fired, especially in democratic states where they are using COVID-19 as a weapon to shut down the economy in order to bring poverty and limit the conduct of church gatherings and visitors to our own homes.
We must pray as we have never prayed before. We who call ourselves Christians must wake up, stand up, speak up, and pray up to God.
The election was won by the Biden administration, based on huge forgery, stealing, and cheating. We are on the verge of being too late.
Many Christians are already submitting and yielding to this fraud in the hopes that in four years’ time the people will be tired of the evil restraints and lost liberty, lost jobs, and lost property and will vote in a new conservative government again. But that will be too late. We can’t wait that long.
He country will already be under communism, especially as Biden is only a puppet of China.
We must believe, pray, and trust God for a victory very soon.
And do you think they will not cheat again in four years. If they stack the Supreme Court as Biden is preparing to do, who says we will even be allowed to go to the polls again in four years? Or eight years? Or ever?
Spiritual warfare is very critical for this hour in our history. We must cry out to the only true and living God and pray that our military will stand up and be strong and not yield an inch to our interior and exterior enemies.
It is time for javelin piercing prayer meetings and javelin piercing men of God who will stand against evil and stand for God and what is right (Numbers 25;1-13).
It is time for sword-piercing prayer meetings against demonic forces (Psalm 149:6-9).
It’s time or battering ram prayers meetings to demolish evil (Ezekiel 4:2 and 21:22)..
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell

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