AreUSaltyAs Christians we have the honor and privilege to be the salt of the earth. As married men we are raising sons and daughters to be the salt of the earth in this generation.

Jesus raises the question in Matthew 5:13: “If the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

The earth can only be spiritually salted by the disciples and followers of Christ. God ordained it and there is no other way for this to happen. The Greek word for “savor” is “moraino” which means “to become insipid, to be a simpleton, become a fool, make foolish.”

As Christians we are the truth shakers and salt shakers of the earth. The question is: How salty are we? Are we spicing the earth? Are we influencing the world? Or are we insipid? If we are insipid salt and without flavor, how can we influence the world for good?

Are we speaking the truth to our fellow man regarding the Supreme Court’s wrong decision on gay marriage? What about abortion and the selling of unborn body parts? Will we continue to stand up against this evil of murder in our society?

Why should God protect our cities from ISIS, Al Qaeda, or lone wolves when we do not protect the earth against the shedding of innocent blood in abortion clinics all over the land? The reason why multitudes of evils prevail in our western nations is because the salt has pretty much lost its savor.

Thank God for those who stand up and address the evils of our society with the salt of truth. But compared to those who call themselves Christians, they are few and far between. Those who will not stand up for whatever reason, be it the fear of man, or they do not want to rock the boat, etc. would do well to take note of what Jesus said. They are “henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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