By Colin Campbell on Friday, 11 September 2020
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


How important is the need to pray for our great nation as it teeters on the brink of a precipice called “social justice”?

I believe with all my heart in the power of prayer. Therefore, I will pray, and not falter.

There has probably never been a more important time for God’s people to pray and intercede for the needs of our nation, especially as we face this coming election. I can’t help but wonder if the church in general realizes just how this election will dramatically affect the course and destiny of not only our nation, but the world.

Fathers and mothers, if you really love this country, will you please gather your family around you as much as possible and call upon the Lord in payer and make intercession for this great country?

You could do this at the breakfast table or at the end of your evening meal. Preferably at both times. Check out this link:

Social Justice is just another word for social upheaval, lawlessness, and anarchy. There is no justice in the movement called Social Justice. It is a nice term to camouflage the wolf in sheep’s clothing. It is an anti-Christ movement.

Just look at all the countries that have adopted this so-called social justice revolution in their march towards a communist takeover where the government owns everything, and the people own nothing. We see this in China, North Korea an several South American countries.

Finally, after years of oppression, Germany saw the light and rejected communism. The Soviet Union collapsed. All the countries under communistic dictatorship lost all their freedoms and almost all churches were closed. Those that remained were compelled to honor and praise communism instead of God. Pastors were imprisoned and tortured.

We see the beginning of this on the West Coast where the leftist socialist agenda is using COVID 19 to stop people evening singing in church and social distancing makes it difficult to seat the crowds who want to worship God.

There is no doubt about it that the Democrat party has surrendered to the extreme left wing of their party and should they win this election, we will live in a different America than we have ever experienced. Christian persecution will begin in full swing.

More tomorrow.

Be encouraged to pray.

Colin Campbell