PrayFam2Despite some people in the Christian church who do not like Donald Trump for personal reasons, at least they should understand that he has kept his promises and turned the tables on America being part of a one world government controlled by the socialistic agenda.

Despite the trials of the so-called Covid-19 agenda, America has remained strong under his leadership. He is hitting sex child trafficking hard.

He is against abortion. President Donald Trump has pledged that if he is elected in November, he will DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD. That should cause every God-fearing person to vote for him to save the murder of thousands of babies in the womb.

He is not ashamed o speak the name of Jesus and make mention of God more than all other presidents before him. He makes no apologies about his belief in the need for God’s help in America.

This president has done far more for all the minority groups than all other presidents before him.
I believe we should not only pray, but we should vote for him to win in a BIG WAY.

Why has the mainstream media so strongly opposed President Trump? He has been under relentless attack ever since he gained the office of president. The reason is that he stands in the way of a one world satanically inspired government. Donald Trump is a true believer in the United States of America, the country that much of the world wants to come to.

This land is the last bastion of liberty and justice for all.

Do not listen to the lies of the media and agitating groups that are supposed to be quietly protesting and yet say nothing against the looting, stealing, burning, killing, and wounding of innocent people, and hateful anarchy. But if just one of their own is killed they will raise all hell.

However, words and speeches cannot push back the forces of hell. We must GO TO OUR KNEES in heart-felt prayer so the forces of Heaven will come to our aid and blow out the tyres of the extreme left socialistic agenda.

We all know 2 Chronicles 7:14, but will we do it?
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Our prayers have the power to heal our land.


Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell


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