RUInBattlePsalm 110:3 says: “Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power (in the day of battle.)” The question is: are we going to be willing to stand up and fight or just stand on the sidelines and see this great country destroyed?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote ethe Communist Manifesto to inspire multitudes to adopt the ideals of communism and overthrow the so-called tyrannical government of the Zsars of Russia. According to Mark Levin, the great conservative Talk Show host, the Communist Manifesto is pretty much the same doctrine that the left-wing politicians of our nation of USA are espousing today.

• The redistribution of wealth
• All receive a share of the nation’s wealth
• All businesses and industries are taken over by the government on behalf of the people, except those who support the Communist regime.
• No private ownership of homes, land, and business. All belong to the State which will be the so-called benevolent guardians of the people.
• Everyone else will have employment arranged by the State and will enjoy the same benefits that the wealthy once enjoyed.
• There will be free state health care for all.
• Free state education for all.
• Holidays and travel for all.
• No one will be hungry because the state will provide all the food they can eat.
• Freedom of religion for all.
• Freedom of speech.
Basically everyone would be free. The people were offered a utopia. Because of all the freebies that the Soviet Party offered, nearly everyone, including most of the church, bought into the new regime. Why wouldn’t they?


The only problem was that none of it worked! When you take away the right to own, the right to work, the right to increase, the right to possess, the right to exercise your own initiative, the right to your own ambition, and the right to create wealth, and the right to pursue your own dream, you take away the soul of the people.

Communism never has worked and never will work. Instead of “We the people,” the government do all the decision making. The people can no longer express themselves or be free to make their own decisions for their own future. To dream their own dreams. Ultimately, it is only the government beurocrats at the top of the regime that have all the power, ,all the say, and pretty much all the wealth.

The people whom they rule become slaves who do not have the freedom to think for themselves. All personal initiative is eventually squashed. All work ethic to better one’s self and one’s circumstances is dumbed down. There will be no competition to do better than others because there is no reward for personal ambition. No ability to change your job.

Church is outlawed. The people are drowned with restrictions. They will eventually be given food rations and made to stand in line to get into shops with empty shelves. Freedom of speech is stamped on and all the goodies that the new regime promises will eventually begin to fade.

The beaurocrats will ride around in fancy cars while the rest of the population is reduced to public transport, scooters, and bicycles. If you speak out against what is happening you will quietly be disciplined and eventually punished, persecuted, and banished. And I hope you know that Kamala Harris is a self-confessed communist.

We now live in the freest country of the world, but we stand on the very tipping point of all our liberties being taken away from us by a global, communistic style government.

Do not be fooled by their propaganda when they say this will not be like North Korea, Venezuela, or China but will be like some modern socialist style European country. Check out these so-called European countries when you do your own in-depth study. You will find that its all lies and propaganda. It all leads to a one world government controlled by unelected beaurocrats and their secretaries whom you will never be able to vote out or dismiss.

If you surrender to the fraudulent, lying, imposterish, so-called election results without a fight you will fail this country, both naturally and spiritually. You will be part of the restricting of all its freedoms, virtues, and greatness. You will fail to honor the blood of hundreds of thousands who gave their lives on the battlefields of the world to honor and save the values and righteous foundations of this great country’s heritage.

If we do not stand up, fight, and resist, by every means available to us, the falseness, deception, and lies of this present election, we will be accessory to this great country’s demise, from being the greatest bastion of freedom and light to a very dark world.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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