SadDayIt was a sad day for me last Saturday as I protested with a small group of believers at the entrance to a local drag queen celebration in Franklin, Tennessee.
Franklin is smack in the center of the Bible Belt of the USA. Churches are on nearly every street corner as well as in between. And yet in this Bible Belt it was so grieving to me to behold hundreds and hundreds of cars, packed with families (parents with young people and children) pouring into such an abominable and morally decadent evil place—an arrogant, prideful celebration.
The traffic was jammed for a large distance in both directions to the main entrance. We were forced to stand on the opposite side of the road so we would not be in the face of the crowds entering the park. However, because of the slowness of the traffic going into the park, the people had plenty of time to observe our placards against this mockery of morality.
Many of them gave us the fingers and some screamed out their rejections to us. However, for approximately 1 1/2 hours in the very hot sun, without any shade, we held our protest against this wickedness.
As an older man of 83 years I cannot help but reflect upon the general attitude of the western population toward homosexuality. For the first half of my life even secular people regarded this lifestyle as a terrible sin. People in general held a greater sense of the fear of God because they were more acquainted with the teachings of the Bible regarding the holiness of God.
For the last 2,000 years up until the last 40 years or so homosexuality was called sodomy because of the terrible judgment that fell on the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18 and 19). This particular sin was singled out for destruction because it goes against the divine order of procreation through the means of holy matrimony between one man and one woman.
The sinfulness of Sodom and Gomorrah and its judgment from God was without doubt given as an example to warn all nations of what can happen to them when such deviant sinfulness reaches to a certain level of grossness where God is forced to step in and deal with it.
In the last few years, this sin has quickly risen to such heights of defiance against our holy God. It is now fermenting every area of our modern society and sadly, even many churches. How utterly despicable that certain churches are ordaining homosexual pastors. What a mockery of His glorious holiness!
Therefore, we who fear God and hate homosexual activity should at the same time demonstrate the God’s love toward those who are ignorant to the gravity of the offence of their sin towards God. It is not loving to not warn people of the seriousness of the consequences of this sin as far as God is concerned.
The gay community are so deceived that they believe that those who believe and stand up for righteousness are the narrow-minded bigots who deserve punishment and not themselves. This attitude was prevalent in Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of God’s judgment.
“Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” (Psalm 94:16).
Colin Campbell

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