The Bridegroom in the Song of Solomon 2:1 is called the “Lily of the valleys.”

Because our heavenly Bridegroom calls himself the “Lily of the valleys,” the big question we should ask ourselves is, “What are we husbands like in the valleys? How do we act in the valleys of economic stress when we have no salary to meet our family’s needs? How do we act when disaster strikes, when the going gets tough, or (God forbid) when we lose a loved one?

Men, we must not be so taken up with ourselves and forget that our wives at home often have a difficult task as they homeschool the children, cook the meals, clean the house, wipe noses, change diapers, deal with so much immaturity, do errands, and a thousand other thankless tasks.

Your wife, above all people, needs a husband who is a “Lily of the valleys” to daily encourage her and lift her up when she has had a difficult day. Every day, seek to affirm your wife. Tell her that she is doing the greatest job in the world, you need her at home, the family needs her at home, and the nation needs her at home. Tell your wife daily how much you love her and that you cannot afford to sacrifice her to the altar of careerism.

Men, we must also pay attention to purity for our example husband is a pure white lily. It is only the pure white lilies who can turn the valleys into something glorious. Christ in you is the “Lily of the valleys.”

Be encouraged to encourage your wife in her great calling of motherhood. Colin

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