By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


What a great victory we all received with the inauguration of President Trump as America’s 47th president. It is nothing short of a miracle and an answer to the prayers of millions of God’s people.

In the midst of our rejoicing we must be mindful not to forget all the agony and pain our Presudent suffered during the last eight years because of the evil woke haters. The last election was stolen from him by the corrupt cabal who could not care less about deceit, lies, and thievery at the highest levels of government. We cannot help but be amazed that Donald Trump could come back from that defeat, let alone face intense persecution virtually every day until his inauguration.
Their attacks came from all sides, even from those whom he thought he could trust, those whom he had promoted and helped but through the heat of the trials betrayed and forsook him instead of remaining loyal.
Think of the many court cases right up until his inauguration. Four years of sheer hell. Think of the enormous amount of money he had to find for all his attorneys who gallantly fought for him but still he did not cave in.
Think about all the mainstream media who bitterly tore him to pieces every single day. And yet he still endured where most men would have caved and given up the fight. But not Donald Trump. He would not give in.
Think about his own personal family home being ransacked and vandalized by the FBI. Even Melanie’s personal and private belongings were vandalized under the direction of Joe Biden. But still he did not lie down or give up the fight.
And what about the two major attempts to assassinate him? Both were so close to achieving their evil, murderous intent. To make matters worse, the Secret Service in Butler were too incompetent to keep him safe. I believe it was very brave of him to return to the scene of the assassination attempt to give the people of Butler, Pennsylvania another chance to hear him. Others would have given up long before.
Do not tell me that the man does not love his country. Every public appearance is another risk of being killed.
I believe Donald Trump knows that he is chosen by God to save this country that he loves and by God’s help to bring her back to her former glory. This country was indeed very close to tipping itself over the cliff into a godless, New World Order headed by the evil World Economic Forum.
But for the watchful eyes of those designated to spy, film, and report suspicious stealing and fraud this election would have also been stolen. These people deserve honor and praise.
It is God that gifted Donald J. Trump with fiery zeal to stand up and campaign against a very hostile and dangerous time in America, especially in a country that is overrun by extreme left wing and dangerous liars and prideful deceivers seeking to turn this great nation into a cesspool of godless, anti-Christ, paganistic people without any moral compass. With unflagging zeal and energy Trump was used by God to convince the majority to vote for the truth built into our Constitution.
This country has also been compromised by the Democrats, RINOS, the woke media, the woke colleges as well as the judiciary system. And sad to say, even a lot of churches. Shame on them.
But Donald Trump, by the grace of Almighty God, had the eyes of understanding to see where these doctrines of deception were taking us. To be honest, they were taking us straight to hell. These people do not even believe that there is a holy God, let alone a Heaven and Hell, but they will find out sooner or later. Sadly, by then for many, it will be too late.
The other thing we should not forget is that Donald Trump refused to take a salary during his first term as President and has stated that he will not during his second term either. What a man!
My next post concerns us. I believe the fiery zeal God has given to Donald Trump should be parallel and equaled by a zealous church, a fiery church that will pray daily for him for the fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers that are influencing and driving these cabal leaders (Ephesians 6:12)..
We will talk about this next week.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell