WickedFleeJob 39:22: “He mocketh at fear and is not affrighted”

Proverbs 29:1 says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.” Just as the warhorse mocks at fear, even so we should mock at the enemy’s strategy to put fear upon us. Fear is debilitating. It paralyses the strongest of men. A physically small man that has no fear is stronger than a physically strong man who is full of fear.

In Judges chapter seven, we read how Gideon and a small army of only 300 men put to flight and destroyed an army which could not be numbered. Judges 7:12 says they were “like grasshoppers for multitude; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the seaside for multitude.”

What happened when Gideon’s men exposed themselves from their hiding places in the darkness of night, blowing their 300 trumpets, breaking their 300 pitchers, revealing their 300 lamps, and shouting with 300 voices all at once? Judges 7:21 states: “All the host ran, and cried and fled.”

What an amazing miracle. What God can do with only 300 men! I’m sure that God caused those 300 trumpets to sound like three million trumpets and the sound of the breaking of the pitchers and shouting of voices to sound like a gigantic roar.
These 300 men of Israel were not afraid and surely mocked at the fear that possessed the vast multitude.

Daniel mocked fear as he ran against the giant Philistine.

Psalm 91:5 says: “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.”

If we fear the Lord we will never fear the enemy. When Satan tries to bring fear into our lives because of the unknown, finances, economic collapse, or being scared to fight it out in the battles of life, we should recognize where that fear comes from and start mocking it.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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