ClearAwayThe high praises of God, coupled with shouting, are like a strong wind that blows the clouds away.

The enemy of our souls continually tries to block up the main artery between our hearts and Heaven. This is how he dumbs us down, slackens our pace, blunts our sword, and dims our light. Just as certain foods cause blockage to the main arteries of our natural bodies, in the same way doubts, fears, and negative thoughts, coupled with besetting sins, block up our spiritual arteries.

The high praises blow out the cobwebs and assist us to clean house.

Psalm 47:1 says: “O clap your hands, all ye people; SHOUT unto God with the voice of triumph.”

Psalm 47:5 describes our God: “God is gone up with a SHOUT, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.”

Perhaps one of the main reasons the church is so quiet and subdued is because we do not allow ourselves to become excited about the exceeding greatness of our God. The devil robbs us of our vibrant joy. He wants the church to be cool, calm, and collected, but if we don’t watch out, we will become God’s frozen chosen, if that be possible.

What does it mean when it says, “God is gone up with a SHOUT”? Shouting praises lifts up and exalts our God. Not empty shouting, but rather triumphant shouting.

Fathers, we must teach our families to shout for joy.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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