GodProLifeWho should we elect to be our next president? A very important question. As a nation we stand on the brink of a very important election which will test our national discernment.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we read of the children of Issachar “which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

This was an important time in the beginning of Israel’s history of choosing a king to reign over them. Saul, Israel’s first king, sadly lacked the qualities required by God to rule over Israel and now God chose David to be the second king of Israel.

Israel was made of twelve tribes of people and David could not rule over them all until they all received discernment and understanding that David, who was from the tribe of Judah, was indeed God’s chosen king.

The question is: will the citizens of USA have the correct discernment to elect the right man to be president over this nation for the next four to eight years?

In the last debate in New Hampshire, two of the candidates were asked their stance on abortion. These candidates both clearly stated they were pro-life and told of all the pro-life things they had done in their states. But at the same time they said they believed in exceptions for rape and incest.

That is double talk. To be pro-life, and yet make exceptions for rape and incest, is not to be truly pro-life. There are many testimonies of women who have been raped and conceived, and yet still chose not to have an abortion. The children have been raised and nurtured in Christian homes and turned out to be excellent Christians, some now in full time service for Christ.

Obviously, a child born from a victim of rape would not be deemed worthy of death outside of the womb. Have we become so callous as to think that this is acceptable? Perhaps because it is more mature than selling the body parts of unborn babies in a gruesome market?

Because there are some who lie on this matter of rape, it is too easy to make this sort of exception. To be pro-life one should not have any exceptions, for life in the womb is sacred to God, and only He knows the real truth of how their life came to be conceived.

We must not play God on this matter anymore because millions and millions of precious unborn babies have been slaughtered in the womb of our nation’s mothers. Exceptions to pro-life amount to be pro-choice.

Please check out the list of candidates and their position regarding abortion.

Be encouraged to have godly discernment.

Colin Campbell


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