By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The word "blessed," meaning happy, is used nine times in the first eleven verses of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-11). Every married couple wants to have a blessed and happy marriage.

Often when the word "blessed" is used in the Scriptures it has a double emphasis meaning "happy, happy" or "doubly blessed." God wants us to not only have an average or ordinary marriage, but a happy, happy and doubly blessed marriage!

Those who begin their marriage by daily praying and reading God's Word together will soon discover the abundant happiness God wants them to experience. These principles, the most beautiful attitudes, that Jesus teaches are without exception to be learned and applied. It is sad that many Christian marriages are anything but happy and this is directly related to the amount of effort the husband and wife put in to apply these attitudes to their individual and collective lives.

What an amazing blessing for children to be brought up in an environment where these "principle spices" (Exodus 30:23), which I will talk about tomorrow, abound in both the marriage and family life.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell