HeightendSensesJob 39:25: “He smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.”

The warhorse has heightened senses. He is warned by the smell of the battle. Even though the battle is far off he can still smell it, hear it, and taste it.

Spiritually speaking, our senses need to be heightened to know where the enemy is attacking. We have become desensitized toward so much of the world, the flesh, and the devil because we have lost our spiritual sense of smell. It is much better for us to smell the battle afar off so that we can prepare ourselves and be ready to defend ourselves.

Naturally speaking, our senses are given to us to protect and entice us. If we lose our sense of smell we become more vulnerable to danger. Often the smell of fire warns us that we had better quickly check the house or the car lest we have a problem that we cannot contain or fix.

Many marriages could be saved if spiritual senses were alerted earlier, instead of waiting to try and fix the problem when it’s already too late. There are many battles that could be averted or won if only we smell them while they are still afar off.

To be continued.

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell


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