By Colin Campbell on Monday, 09 March 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Men, the best place to live out the Sermon on the Mount is in our marriage (Matthew, chapters 5 - 7). This is where the rubber meets the road. Our marriages comes first, followed closely by parenting our children. Together, this makes the nucleus of the Christian family.

How is it possible for children to feel secure and protected if their daddy and mommy do not demonstrate the right attitudes towards each other? Although the children may not voice the problem or even understand what is wrong with their parents, they feel the vibes and tension.

A home where there is constant disagreement, verbal fighting, clashing of wills, or even the cold "silent treatment" is no place for children. Tempers, anger, shoutings, and accusations destroy security and are not conducive to healthy emotions in children.

Christian couples may attend church and outwardly convey that "all is well with my soul," but is it really? Jesus Christ came and died for us that we might have life and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10). And yet there are few Christians among the multitudes who have really found this abundant life. The big question is: Why is this the case?

The answer is clear and simple. How much have you sought to familiarize yourself with Christ's teaching in the Beautiful Attitudes? Many Christian want Jesus, but they do not want His teaching. Perhaps they may listen to His Word, but they don't want to apply it to their lives. Jesus said in Luke 6:46: "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"

To accept Jesus and yet not apply His teaching to our lives is false and results in the marriage chaos happening across the nation. The teachings of Jesus, coupled with willing hearts to apply them, will save our marriages and homes. To believe that Jesus is the answer to the world and yet fail to follow His Word with all our hearts is to build our marriages and homes on the sand.

Jesus' teachings are the only solid rock--the only solid foundation--that no storm, no matter how huge, can prevail against it.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell