“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All of the days you ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Psalm 139:15-17
Through a long journey God has placed me in the vocation of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It has given me a unique perspective on how abortion affects women. The world and much of the Christian community has bought into the lies the enemy has been selling for many years.
I personally remember viewing a film in the eighth grade regarding embryo development, animal vs. human, distinctly underlining the “amazing similarities” of early gestations and eliminating the sanctity of life. I was fourteen! Even then the world was pressing lies into the minds of young women who were not able to discern lies from truth!
The sanctity of life is never more evident than when you see a mother mourn the loss of a baby, when she discovers at just over thirteen weeks gestation the heart has ceased to beat. The sanctity of human life is evident when an individual in the operating room is taken to a deep place within their soul when her little one is removed limb by limb from its place of security. Each finger can be counted, each rib clearly seen.
The sanctity of life is clearly demonstrated when patients proceed with abortions even after counseling. The pain, the self-inflicted shame and guilt, and the heaviness are clearly seen on their faces. The entire countenance changes. The sanctity of life is clear when a woman, who has narrowly escaped a scheduled appointment for an abortion, is now enjoying her newborn infant and is grateful for that moment in time that was forever changed.
Not long ago I sat before a young woman who had recently undergone an abortion. Her exact words to me were, “They were excellent at telling me the physical risks. What they failed to explain was how devastating it would be psychologically.” Why would they? Why risk losing the five hundred dollars cash this young lady was about to deposit into their bank account?
I recall a woman of about 50 years of age telling me the story of her abortion. She was awake, and her infant was sixteen weeks gestation. She remembers clearly her infant being placed in a can beside her bed. The doctor told her the gender and expressed anger and disgust at the situation. To this day she mourns her precious little one. Without the grace and mercy of Jesus, this can be an unbearable wound.
Let’s not forget the men who are affected by abortion. Many are left scarred by their inability to save their own unborn child.
Even (or should I say especially) the medical community denies the facts and subscribes to the lies. In an effort to be impartial or “politically correct”, doctors are provided with biased information regarding the impact of abortion on the lives of women.
Recently a reputable pro-choice researcher attempted to publish results of a well-designed study that concluded, to his surprise, that abortion indeed has a negative impact on the psychological well-being of women. His attempts to publish this study have been denied by four journals, a first for this scientist. His reputable research is typically accepted on the first application.
My own life has been affected by this tragedy. I have lost several families to abortion. Yet praise God, I have a husband whose life was spared because his mother chose adoption instead.
I want to also share with you my own very personal experience with this tragedy, six years before I came to know the Lord. I remember every detail of that day. As I left that abortion clinic on a cold December day, 23 years ago, there were several pro-life protesters walking with signs outside the clinic.
I remember remarking to myself, “The nerve of those people to try to shame me at a time like this. They have no idea what I’m going through.” It wasn’t very long after that I began to wish that they had been there before I entered those clinic doors instead!
I praise God daily that He has given me mercy and forgiveness, and in His mighty way has comforted me as I have mourned, provided for me as I have grieved, bestowed on me a crown of beauty instead of ashes, given me the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment praise instead of a spirit of despair. (Isaiah 61:3)
Let us all pray for the men, women, and children who are affected by this plague. Pray also for our leaders on Capitol Hill as they make pivotal decisions regarding the issue of abortion.
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
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