LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

Epi346picEPISODE 346: FOOD TWINS, Part 4

Our food twins today are FOOD AND HEALING. Candace Dickenson from Johnson City joins me today to share her healing journey. Candace was an Above Rubies helper 19 years ago!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies, and everyone who is listening. Always great to be with you. Today we are still talking about food twins. We’ve got quite a few to go yet. We’re up to . . .


Well, I have to concede that a lot of food we eat today does not make us healthy. In fact, a lot of it makes us sick. But God’s intention, His plan, is that food will make us healthy! He created food for the nourishment of our bodies. He created food for our health.

I did share with you a few podcasts ago a couple of words from the New Testament, the main two words that are used for food. The first one is trophe, used 16 times in the New Testament. It means “nourishment, both literally and figuratively.” And then, the other word is similar, trepho, and it means “to fatten, to nourish, to cherish with food.” We see that both these words mean “to nourish.” God intends that the food we eat will nourish our bodies.

Today, I have a visitor with me who is going to share with me on this podcast. It worked out really well, because I have my dear friend, Candace Dickenson, staying with me. She has a wonderful testimony of her own health journey. We’ll talk about that today. Welcome, Candace!

Candace: Thank you! Hello, everybody. It’s good to be here.

Nancy: So good to have Candace staying with me for a couple of days. I have to tell you the origin of our getting together with Candace. Candace came to me as an Above Rubies helper 19 years ago! Isn’t that amazing? Oh, wow! Actually, I think you came for four summers in a row, didn’t you?

Candace: Yes, yes.

Nancy: Yes, that was wonderful. She was an Above Rubies girl four times. And then, I think you’ve visited every year since then, to visit, to say hello, keep in touch. We have always prayed for Candace. Even back then, she was waiting for the man of her dreams to come and off course, her longing and desire to have children.

But Candace had a long wait, waiting for that right one. It was only two to three years, now, isn’t it? Three years ago, the Lord brought Justin to Candace, and they were married. Praise the Lord! My husband was so blessed to be the one who married them. It was such a glorious and beautiful wedding. Now, we’re still waiting for that great answer to our prayers, that Candace will be blessed with a little baby. I hope you will join me in praying for her that God will give her this miracle.

Tell us, Candace about your coming here. I think it was a little different from your own home, which was such a beautiful home life too.

Candace: Yes, yes. There are so many wonderful things about my coming here and meeting you and Granddad, also known as Mr. Colin Campbell. But talking on the subject of food, I will say that I was so excited to come.

I looked at it as a mission trip. I had discovered Above Rubies online all those years ago and signed up to receive the magazine to prepare to be a good wife and mother. Then I shared it with all my friends who were married already. Some of them had children; a lot of my friends who were married already.

So then, when I saw there was an opportunity to come and serve, I got so excited. I emailed you, and when I heard back from you that you could use some help in the summer, because that was the time that I had available to come (I worked with the school system the rest of the year), I was thrilled that I would get to come. To do a mission trip in Tennessee and serve a ministry that I so believed in.

Nancy: That’s what I think of as our Above Rubies girls come, is that it is a mission trip. You may not be going out to Africa or some South American country. You’re coming to Tennessee, although I think back in those days, it was rather like a mission trip, because I think you were in the days when the grandchildren were little. Our grandsons, their favorite thing was to tease the Above Rubies helpers. They would come into the office with snakes and spiders and frighten them all! It was like being in Africa!

Candace: Yes! The grandchildren were all very young. Some of them were not even born yet when I was here. I remember having little sleepovers with the granddaughters. We would do little pedicures and eat healthy snacks on a Friday or Saturday night.

Nancy: They still do that today.

Candace: Oh, it’s so great. But just a bit about my background. I was raised in the south. My mom always cooked the meals from scratch. They were homemade, wonderful meals, but they were very southern, so there were a lot of white potatoes, corn on the cob, pasta, and white bread, rolls, and biscuits. That was all that I knew.

But when I was around 18 or 19, I found out that I had hypothyroidism, low-functioning thyroid, and that I wouldn’t be able to continue eating that way and feel well and be slender. I was gaining weight, even though I was trying not to eat much. That’s what put me on a path to looking into healthier ways of eating. Even though in the south, so many people were eating processed things, and I really wasn’t. My mom made everything, like I said, homemade, but it wasn’t the healthiest for me. That was the backstory.

When I came here, I was excited to try different foods, knowing that you all had come from New Zealand, and wondering what exciting things I might get to try. But I really thought that you couldn’t eat healthy food, and it still taste good. I thought if you're going to eat healthy, and be slim, it would be something like raw celery sticks and water. [laughter] And really no flavor.

But you were the person who showed me that is absolutely not true. I remember the amazing feasts that you would spread all over the large table every night for us. I felt like a queen! Trying all these new things, so full of flavor, so wonderful! One of my favorite things to this day is your sourdough rye bread. But all these amazing foods were so delightful, and I couldn’t believe it. In two weeks of being here, I had lost ten pounds, eating all I wanted of this wonderful, healthy food that was so tasty.

Nancy: Oh, yes, that was so great. I think I remember you telling me that when you went home, you would continue to make the sourdough bread, and you made it with, what did you make it with?

Candace: I was so excited about all these new foods, so I wrote down everything I could in my notebook and went home and prepared as many things as I could, as similarly to you. I would enjoy that. I love the Thai vegetable soup that you made.

I caught my own wild yeast for the rye sourdough. Then I started making sourdough bread. I remember the first time I tried it; it was so sour! But I remember you saying, “I love it sour!” So very sour, and you all loved it! So sour, and I did too. That became one of my favorite things. I never had bread so sour when I first tried it, but the more I ate it, I loved it! And I thought, my body must be really needing it. It’s so amazing.

Nancy: Do you make it with spelt and rye? Or what grains?

Candace: I made it with whole rye.

Nancy: All rye. Oh, that was amazing.

Candace: All rye at first, and then I think I may have added some of the ancient grains like spelt, a little bit. But I mostly did whole rye, and I would feed my starter, and I ended up with all this bread. Even when I froze it, it was too much for me to eat. My southern friends thought, “What is that?” They wouldn’t even hardly try it!

I had all this bread, which was so wonderful, but there was another Ruby helper here one of the times I was here, who loved your bread especially. It was a joy to wrap up a loaf of it every time I made it, and I would ship it off to her in Pennsylvania. She would call and say, “I got your bread today! It makes me think of our time at Nana and Granddad’s.” It was a really special thing.

Nancy: Oh, that’s so wonderful. What were some of the other things that you’d never tried before?

Candace: Oh well, I’d never heard of red palm oil, for one thing. And I’d never heard of kefir. I remember trying it and it was so strange to me! [laughter] But I loved it in the smoothies you would make. I remember you would take us to a blueberry farm nearby, we’d pick tons and tons of blueberries, just loads of fresh organic blueberries.

You would have those and put them in all kinds of things, in smoothies, and muffins, and pancakes, in these beautiful, healthy recipes. I loved the kefir and the blueberry smoothies. Probably my most favorite dish that you made the summer that the Liberian children were here, I think that was shortly after they came, was the sweet potato leaves, oh, a wonderful, spicy dish.

Nancy: Yes! Well, of course, I learned to make that from our Liberian children who we had adopted from Liberia. I had never heard of eating sweet potato leaves. I grew sweet potatoes every year to get our sweet potatoes. But when they came, they looked at these leaves, and said, “Oh, mom, we’ve got to eat them! This is what we eat back home. We love potato leaves!”

They showed me how to make it their way. So, that’s the way I still do it. We began to use the leaves. Ladies, if you grow sweet potatoes in your garden, realize that, yes, you can eat the leaves. You don’t have to wait until you harvest the sweet potatoes at the end of the season. You can go out and pick the leaves throughout the summer and make sweet potato leaves.

This is the way I make them, according to the way our Liberian children showed me. I would sauté onions and peppers and tomatoes, and of course, hot peppers. Oh, and garlic too. They always had to have hot peppers because everything they ate had to be hot. I grew jalapenos, and I grew habaneros, and any hot peppers I could find. At the end of the season when we harvested, I would dry the peppers, the hot peppers. When they were dried, I would then whiz them up in the blender, so it was dried hot pepper. They could also add that to their food.

Oh yes, and our son, John, goodness me! Did he love things hot! So, I would make things hot. I’ve always loved spicy food, and we always eat spicy food here. But when the Liberian children came, we had to up it a few notches. We got hotter and hotter. It’s interesting, even the Above Rubies girls, sometimes it would be so hard for them to take. But as they stayed, they got to love it and enjoy it.

I’d make this base with all that, and the hot peppers and so on. And then the red palm oil. Ooh. And we learned that from our Liberian children too. We learned so many things from them, and they were used to the red palm oil, which we have to go to an African shop to buy in the city in Nashville. It is so good for you and it’s rich red. Oh, it’s so wonderful!

So, I’d make this base with the red palm oil, and then we’d put in the sweet potato leaves. When the children were with us, of course they’ve grown now, they were so amazing at cutting the leaves. They would get all these leaves bound together and they would get a sharp knife. Whoo, whoo, whoo, cut! Oh, they cut it so finely. I just couldn’t do it. But I still had to do it, as they weren’t always there.

I’d be laboriously cutting these leaves so finely because you have to cut a lot. They disintegrate. Someone was watching me one day, and she said, “Why don’t you throw them in the food processor?” I thought, “For goodness’ sake! Why didn’t I think of that before?” I was just copying our Liberian children. So now, I just throw them in the food processor, and they’re whizzed up in a minute. I put them in the dish, and they simmer. As you know, they’re so delectable!

Candace: Oh, yes! So wonderful.

Nancy: Oh yes, so wonderful. So, your thyroid, you really overcome that, didn’t you? Or do you have to watch it today?

Candace: Yes, my numbers have actually been normal for years.

Nancy: Praise the Lord! Just by changing your diet.

Candace: Changing my diet and also taking supplements to help stimulate the thyroid.

Nancy: What do you take for that? Because a load of people need help with their thyroids.

Candace: Kelp is a wonderful, wonderful source for the thyroid. And then you can get, there is a supplement called parathyroid. Again, it helps nourish the thyroid. I was told that, when it was discovered by doctors, the thyroid doesn’t correct itself. It doesn’t heal, so you’ll always need a large dose of medicine to supplement. But mine actually has shown signs of healing.

One of the things God used to heal my thyroid is coconut oil. I know that it tends to be, from what I read, it’s very nourishing to the thyroid. I like cooking with it and baking with it.

Nancy: That’s wonderful. And then, you had another issue. You had a lung issue. Tell us about that.

Candace: About nine years ago, I was diagnosed with, it was really something discovered in my lungs. I was struggling with what I thought was bronchitis or pneumonia, and I was having some pretty bad symptoms. I went to the ER, and it was discovered that I had a growth in the middle of one of my lungs. Thankfully, the growth was benign. It is benign, but the doctors didn’t really know what to do with it. It’s a rare thing that only shows up in younger people who never smoked, ironically.

They generally only go in and cut those things out. They take a portion of your lung with. That’s what they had planned to do for me. When I was talking to them, and asking about the risks, one of the risks was there’s a good chance it could knock your heart out of rhythm for life. They said, “No worries, we can just give you medicine for that.”

I really don’t want to hand over part of my lung if I don’t have to. I prayed about it, and I did not have the surgery. God is so faithful. He had gone before me and connected me with a naturopath/herbalist from another state who would come in once a month near my town. I was seeing her for about a year prior to discovering the lung issue. She was already treating me for general things using herbs and natural supplements.

I reached out to her, and God used her to help me discover some more herbal supplements as well as cleanses, changing my diet quite drastically, even more. I’d already cut out sugar, except for special occasions. But she challenged me to cut out dairy, and even meat for a while, to allow my body to heal. I went through that process, and God blessed it. About a year after the growth was discovered, the scan showed it had shrunk in half.

Nancy: That’s wonderful!

Candace: And no one could explain it. It was a type of thing that I was told by doctors, it will not shrink. They do not shrink. They only slowly grow. I was told, “You will keep chronic pneumonia. You will keep a terrible cough until we take it out.” I said “No, I don’t receive that report, in Jesus’ Name.” I believe sometimes certainly God may use surgery and medical science to help us, and to heal us. But in my individual situation, I did not have peace about going that route, and I’m so thankful God showed me a different way.

Nancy: Yes! And today you don’t suffer from pneumonia and cough every year. God supports healing, by getting onto the right foods, and the right herbs that He has created for our healing. They’re created for our healing and for our health, aren’t they? It is so wonderful. What are some of the herbs that you have used for your lungs, you use mullein, don’t you?

Candace: Yes. Mullein is a wonderful herb to strengthen lungs. A lot of people don’t know that it often grows in your backyard.

Nancy: Really?

Candace: Yes, yes. Depending on how close to the mountains you are, close to the forest, it at least grows on the banks in a lot of areas.

Nancy: Have you found it?

Candace: Oh, yes.

Nancy: Really?

Candace: It’s a fuzzy little leaf. It almost looks like wild lamb’s ears to me. But you can actually harvest it and make tea. You can dry the leaves and crush it and put them into your own capsules if you like.

I transplanted a wild one at one point into my herb garden, and it did well throughout that year. It just didn’t return the next year. You could always, if you find it in the woods, you can pull it up by the roots and put it in your herb garden. It should take off, at least for that season.

Nancy: Well, that is so interesting. It just shows again, when you think of that Scripture in Revelation about “the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.” The herbs and the leaves, and the trees, with their leaves and their fruit, and the vegetables, everything God has given for our healing, aren’t they? That’s so wonderful.

I’ve always believed in mullein for your lungs. But as I was saying to you, I still have a tendency to get a cough. You were sharing how your naturopath said that you need something for your kidneys as well. Tell us about that.

Candace: I don’t fully understand, and I would love one day to learn under her, because she learned from some of the best. But she did tell me that one of the ways to keep your lungs strong is to make sure your kidneys are kept strong as well. I have taken a supplement that supports kidneys for about nine years as well. It naturally regulates blood pressure, and it naturally relieves any kind of fluid retention, if you have that issue, while strengthening your kidneys, bladder, and lungs.

Nancy: Wonderful. Well, that’s really good to know. Oh, and another thing, of course. I think about, oh, I don’t know, maybe the second or third time you came as a Ruby girl, which was when Trim Healthy Mama began. Although you had begun the journey of health, you really got onto the bandwagon, and you've been a real true purist Trim Healthy Mama ever since, I think, haven’t you?

Candace: Yes, well, it’s so neat that I had the honor of, when I first came, that first year, in 2006, I believe, the sisters were actually still writing. They were nursing babies, and they would pop over to visit. They were taking notes for the book, and it was so exciting to get to see that part of it.

I was doing more of very little to no carbs. At that time, I was in my twenties, and I had thrown out all potatoes, and all bread, except occasional rye bread. That was a real treat. So, I had gone almost too radical with it, but it’s what was helping my body get aligned at the time.

Nancy: Yes. Some things you can only do for a season. They are for a season, but then God’s plan is for all the five groups of food that He has given to us.

Candace: Absolutely. When I discovered Trim Healthy Mama, and I read that plan, I got so excited, because I thought, “Oh, I can have rice again, brown rice. I can eat healthy breads again, and mix it up, and not just have greens, eggs, and chicken. But I can have berries again, and I can mix it up and still be healthy and slender.” That was a really exciting time, when that was launched.

Nancy: Yes. So, it’s really your whole way of life, isn’t it?

Candace: Yes, I definitely had to look at changing my eating habits as a way of life, because I’d seen so many people, I don’t know if it’s more so in the south or not, but just from where I come from, many people would go on really extreme diets. They would lose tons of weight, but then they would be done with being deprived, or feeling deprived. They would go on a great big binge and gain it all back.

Nancy: That’s usually more weight than before. Diets never ever, ever work. You can get slim as you say, for a while, but once you get back to your old ways, it all comes back with a vengeance. So, it has to be a way of life. That’s the wonderful thing about Trim Healthy Mama.

As our girls, my girls, Serene and Pearl, they had to learn by experience and trials themselves, because they had gone on many fads themselves previously. And then God showed them, and woke them up, and really got ahold of them, and said, “Hey! You’re not in line with Me! In My Word, I talk about all the five food groups, so if you're not using them all, you're not on My plan!”

I remember Serene having to throw out all her health books. Serene had been quite unusual, really. She’d been a health nut from a child. Serene, of her own volition, has never put into her mouth, her whole life, a grain of sugar, or anything unhealthy. It was just in her, from, I don’t know, from a tiny child.

As soon as she was of an age where she could go to a shop, and maybe I could leave her on her own, her favorite thing, and that would be back in Australia at that time, she’d say, “Mom, could we go to town? Just drop me at the health shop.” She would just sit there and read books.

She gathered so many health books, but in the end, she had to throw them all away and get back to the Bible, which is all the beautiful, glorious, healing, natural, nourishing foods that God has provided for us and to eat them in their natural state. That’s how they had to seek the Lord. “Oh, God, OK, if we’re to eat all this stuff, how do we stay slim?” And the Lord showed them a way of doing that, and that’s the Trim Healthy Mama plan.

Candace: Yes. And it’s so interesting how God designs each one of us so uniquely. Some of us are born for that desire to eat healthy. I was always kind of the strange one in my family. Even in the south, from a really young age, I would be drawn to healthier things. Even though I was eating southern food, I was still wanting carrot juice, things like that.

I remember extended family watching me, because I’d pack my carrot juice and bring it to restaurants, where there were all kinds of fried chicken, and deep-fried everything. I would sip on my carrot juice. They were like, “You’re so weird!” [laughter] I just thought, “Oh, well.” It’s neat that some of it comes by learning, and sometimes we are born wanting to eat healthier things.

Nancy: But it is so sad, as I said at the beginning, that today this generation, on the whole, is eating food but they’re not eating food for their health. You’ve been teaching for many years. Tell me, what did you notice about the children?

Candace: I was amazed. In the short amount of time between my graduating school and going back into the schools to work, I was amazed at the difference in the foods I saw in lunch boxes. Children were bringing hardly any sandwiches. If there were, they would be on white bread, piled high with peanut butter, and tons of jelly, tons of sugar-laden jelly.

But mostly it was processed food. It was pre-packaged. Pop Tarts, little cakes, candy bars, these kinds of cheese things, cheese curls, or whatever they had. All this fake orange dye. I couldn’t believe that that much had changed in a short amount of time, because when I went to school, my mom would always pack a sandwich but there would be a piece of fruit. And there would be, sometimes figs, but it wasn’t like that. I thought, “Wow! What is going to happen if this is all the children are eating?”

Nancy: I know. And what is that really saying? Where are the mothers at home? They’re obviously out at work, in their career. They don’t even have time to prepare a healthy lunch for their children. Just a packet of some packaged foods. This generation is growing up on them. The sad part is, they get used to it, and then they don’t really want the healthy food, because you do get used to what you're given.

Of course, I know that I’m speaking today . . . I know most of you wonderful moms who are in the home, and you have such a heart to raise your children healthily. You are cooking your food from scratch, from the original, and I encourage you to keep doing that. I’m always amazed that actually that in homeschooling, home-mothering homes, there are still a lot of families who just eat packaged cereals for breakfast.

Now, that is not food and health, because they are nothing like the original. If the food looks so foreign from the original, it’s not a healing food. Most of these cereals, wow! Goodness me! The colors, and they’re made into shapes, and they’re all funny things. They’re nothing like the original oats, or the original barley, or the original grain! We’ve got to get back to that.

Of course, it does take a little more time to prepare that nutritious breakfast for your family. But mothers, can I encourage you? Don’t just get up bleary-eyed, and let your children go to the cupboard and get their cereal package out and have it with a bit of milk. No. They deserve more than that. Cook up good oats, rolled oats, or what is the other one?

Candace: The oat groats?

Nancy: The oat groats, yes. Oh, the oat groats, that’s really original. That’s what I love the best. Often, I will soak oat groats for about three days and change the water each day. I will often use whey to soak it. And then by the third day, I can then pour off the water, and put new water in, and just simmer it until it’s soft. It is so glorious!

Then you can do that with barley too. I love it with barley. That’s the best. Beautiful. Then, of course, you've got your quinoa, and you've got millet. It is also a wonder grain. So many wonderful grains, which is how God gave them to us! These are healing foods.

So, dear lovely ladies, one of the things that God associates with food is health. Let’s get it right. Let’s get it straight, and make sure that every food we are giving to our children and our family, and our husbands, is a healing food.

Now, husbands. Oh, goodness me! They don’t always like what you’d call healing foods. They love a dinner of good old anything. As my father used to say, “I can eat anything that goes down a human’s throat!” [laughter] And they don’t seem to care.

Even my own husband, oh, he’ll eat all the good things I make for him. But when I’m not around, I just can’t believe it! He has no idea! He’ll bring things home. He loves to have jam. I said, “Well, just get it without sugar.” But he'll come home, and I’ll read the label. It’s got corn syrup in it, or something like that! I said, “Oh, didn’t you read the label?” “Oh, no!” He’s not interested in reading labels.

But I think you noticed that too, when you married Justin. Oh, goodness me! It was not only that was he not used to all your lovely healthy food. He wasn’t even used to sitting at a table, was he?

Candace: Well, I found it quite shocking, how blessed I was to be able to have a meal at the table with my family, growing up. My mother would always, every day, when I came home from school, dinner would be ready, or almost ready. My mom, dad, and I would all sit at the table and eat. I took that for granted. I thought, “Oh, everyone must do this!”

I think maybe more people did it back then, but today, it’s very, very rare. This is the whole special thing. You’ve written an entire Bible study devotional, “The Family Meal Table,” about the importance of sitting around the table when you eat your meals. It’s such a beautiful thing, but, yes, my dear husband has a sweet tooth, and he does tend to like the fluffier bread.

I will share this. There is one recipe that I make from time to time, because my family loves them. It’s a very southern thing. My grandmother taught me how to make biscuits when I was really little. That is one of the things that I still make from time to time for my family.

I usually don’t eat them. I usually make a low-carb version, gluten-free version for myself. They are white biscuits, but I use all organic ingredients. There are only three ingredients to the biscuits, so I’ve managed to make a healthier version of my grandmother’s very southern biscuits. They’re really fluffy and high. My mother loves them, my husband loves them. They’re wonderful served with homemade strawberry jam. I like to serve that from time to time.

Nancy: Oh, wonderful. As we’re closing this podcast, I would like to ask you to pray for Candace, that she will be blessed with the desire of her heart, this little baby. Candace is 44 years now, but she’s still believing. She’s still waiting for this baby. Actually, you are a great miracle yourself, to be here. Just as we close, tell the little miracle of how God brought you into the world. Yes, and your mother was 40 at that time, wasn’t she?

Candace: God is so faithful, and His timing is perfect, even when we don’t understand all that’s involved. My parents had a son long before I was born. He died, sadly, in an accident, at age 16. My mother didn’t think she could have any children. She had been told for years that her womb had turned around backwards, and it was very unlikely that she would ever conceive. But she did ask God for another child if He would give them another child.

About two years after my brother passed, I was born. I was a surprise. In those days, 40 seemed kind of old to have a child. Today, you're hearing people 50 or more, they’re having children. Praise God!  So, the doctor also told my mom to prepare for a hard labor, a long labor. It would probably be like having her first child again. But she gathered the warriors to pray, and the whole pregnancy was covered in prayer.

I was born very quickly. She hardly had time to get to the hospital. The doctor was amazed. Hopefully all of you wonderful ladies will be encouraged today, if you are past your 30’s, or if you're even in your 40’s, that despite what doctors may say, God has the last word. He loves giving children, and he loves watching over them, and giving you wonderful labors and deliveries, despite what science and the doctors will say.

Nancy: Amen!

“Oh, Father, we thank You again for Your wonderful goodness to us. Thank You for giving us all these glorious foods! Every country has different foods that You give for that country, and those people. And Lord, we have such a vast array to choose from. It’s all healing.

“Lord, help us always to be those who prepare healing foods, and realize food and health go together. Bless these precious families listening today, Lord. Pour out your blessing and your provision, and your protection, and your anointing, all over them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies”




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