Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


DEATHNATION2Did you see the movie, DEATH OF A NATION: Can we Save America a Second Time?

If not, you can get the DVD which is now available. Purchase a copy as soon as possible. Show it to your young people. Bring in friends and show it to them. Everyone needs to see this eye-opening, action-packed documentary.

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VoteRighteousnessI am glad to say I voted today. I am not ashamed to say who I voted for and who I voted against. To only say “I Voted” is rather nebulous and politically inoffensive.

If it is offensive to say that I voted for Republicans who wholeheartedly support Donald J. Trump, then am not ashamed of being offensive.

There are so many godly values that are on the line--waiting to be destroyed if the Democrats win either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Or, God forbid, both houses.

• Today I voted for life, not abortion, which is without a doubt in my mind, murder.
• Today I voted for our police who have been constantly demonized by the left.
• Today I voted for marriage between one man and one woman.
• Today I voted for a party that will stand against transgender being taught in our state schools and colleges.
• Today I voted against the removal of the pronouns “he” and “she” or “man” and “woman” or “husband” and “wife” being removed from our school literature or our daily conversations.
• Today I voted for the United States to be always an independent nation under God and not part of the one world government alliance that would tell this nation what it can or cannot do.
• Today I voted for strong government that will create strong borders and protect the United States from all illegal invasions, small or large.
• Today I voted for the right to bare arms so that we can defend ourselves from the “crazies” who want to kill us in our schools, churches, shopping centers, or other places of innocent gatherings.
• Today I voted for pro-life, pro-constitutional Supreme Court Judges.
• Today I voted for the government border control agency called ICE ((Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and all agencies in our government that the Democrat Party want to destroy if they win.
• Today I voted for the great tax cuts that are freeing up this nation to have better markets and more jobs.
• Today I voted against sanctuary cities where they harbor terrorists.
• Today I voted against Obama Care.
• Today I voted for the freeing up of all the tariffs and codes that have strangled our own oil, coal, and natural resources from being developed and marketed. This gets the nation off food stamps.
• Today I voted for religious freedom and that Christianity will not be regarded as less important than other faiths in our colleges and justice system.
• Today I voted that Christianity will not be discriminated against by the Internet or main stream media or in any type of state or federal government agency.

This country was founded on a Judea/Christian ethic and we should not forget it. It is because of this foundation that we have been, up until now, so blessed by God. I am sick and tired of tip-toeing around opposition to righteousness and plain common sense.

I for one, believe it is high time that people of true faith should stand up for what they believe and not be ashamed to do so. The opposition stands up for what they believe which are plain, straight deception and lies.

Let’s face it. Political correctness puts us all in “no man’s land.” It effectively neutralizes us so that we cannot accomplish what is right and true. This is because political correctness wants us to avoid all offence and by doing so we compromise the truth.

As Christians, we can still love our enemies and do good to those who persecute us. However, we must never be silent when we have opportunity to stand up and speak out against what is evil and unjust.

We must never be ashamed to speak up against evil and we must stand up for all that is right. Otherwise we will lose it all.

Romans 9:23 states: “And whosoever believeth on him shall NOT BE ASHAMED.”

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell

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NimrodThe people who built the tower of ancient Babylon were unified. Was it a good thing? Or was it wrong? Why did God interfere?

All men are born with a sinful nature because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This sinful nature, if left to its own devices and without divine intervention by God who created us, will eventually lead to wrongdoing. Mankind left to his own wisdom and creativity will corrupt himself.

We read in Genesis 11:1 that “the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.” From the next verse it appears that they were a unified force as they journeyed from the east to where they found a plain in the land of Shinar (modern Iraq).

On this plain, under the leadership of the mighty hunter, Nimrod, they all united to build a city and a tower that would reach unto heaven. They wanted to make a name for themselves, perhaps of great fame. It seems they also had a fear of being scattered across the face of the whole earth (v. 3, 4).

We do not know why they feared being scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. Maybe they knew their strength and security was in their unity.

Nimrod led the first New World Order after the flood had destroyed the old-world order.

Genesis 10:8, 9: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.”

He began his manhood as a mighty hunter “before the LORD.” The fact that there is an emphasis on “before the LORD” denotes that he had some relationship with God that the rest of the people could plainly see. Because of his renown he became the world’s first universal leader.

But somewhere along the journey he took his eyes off God to build the world’s first capital city of a One World Order. This city would be famous for its extremely high tower. This tower symbolized the elevation of man to the point where man became his own god. He could accomplish anything he wanted to accomplish, and God did not have any say in the matter.

This is the foundation of all humanism. Man elevates himself to decide his own destiny. Man becomes his own lord.

God does not want man to put his affections and trust upon the cities and towers that he builds and all they represent. When the whole world gravitates to the plans and ideologies of mortal man and becomes united to form a new world order, even though on the surface it may appear to greatly benefit mankind, God will step in to confound it. Why? Because man was made to live his life in a right relationship with his Maker. Otherwise, his life and all those united with him, will be corrupted.

There is only one man worthy to lead the entire new World Order and that is the man CHRIST JESUS. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world by His own blood. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He specializes in digging wells of living water, not building towers of brick and slime.

To be continued

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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GlobalismThere are many who call for a united world with a one-world government. They desire a one-world currency and a one-world religion. They also desire a one-world leader. These people do not believe there should be any nation stronger or richer than any other nation They believe there should not be one individual richer than any other. They believe that all wealth should be shared by both the rich and the poor of all nations. They believe that only by this happening shall all wars cease and there will be peace on earth and goodwill toward men. This is socialism in simple terms.

The Democratic Party strongly leans in favor of the above and with which they are indoctrinating state schools and colleges. Gradualism is the term used to explain the way strong nations will be brought to compliance to this indoctrination. They accomplish this through teachers and professors infiltrating our government-controlled schools of learning. We have now reached the tipping point.

Students are encouraged to hate our flag and all the symbols of our national pride and history.

Our president, Donald J Trump, declares publicly at his rallies that he is a nationalist and that he loves the United States of America. He is fighting desperately hard to untie all treaties that bind America’s hands and tell us what we can and cannot do Our president does not want international, liberal, new world order socialistic secretaries creating a so-called new world order agenda. At the same time as bringing down our great nation, they expect the American taxpayer to foot the bill for all their crazy socialist agendas.

This is one of the reasons our president is hated by this left-wing media. Our left-wing media, along with the democratic party, do not want America to succeed and be blessed financially. They do not want our military to be strong They want to tear down our borders. They want us to take the responsibility for the mess their corrupt government has created. They do not want our economy to boom.
They do not want our workers to have good jobs,

They want everyone to be government-dependent where government provides a state-run health care system. They do not believe in private enterprise unless they, the government, can control it.

Private enterprise is always superior to government. If government will get out of the way and let the creative, public market place loose, it drives down the prices. The state-run health care will tax us all to death and will tell us who can live and who will die. This is already happening in Western nations where the government has taken full responsibility for the health of its people.

And who is going to pay for all these illegals who have decided to crash their way through our borders? Why, of course, the answer is simple. You and me, the American taxpayers,

The reason we are now in this mess is that we have given the government the right to educate our children in whatever way they think best. And now our traditional morals of sexual behavior and conservative biblical values of character and cultural respect are trampled into the mud of a one-world education system that influences our government by a United Nations agenda.

And many want a universal health care system and it doesn’t matter what the cost.

Are we building another Babylon? And what will God do again?

Genesis 11:1-9 (NLT): “At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words.
As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there.
They began saying to each other, ‘Let’s make bricks and harden them with fire.’
Then they said, ‘Come, let’s build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world.’
But the LORD came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building.
‘Look!” he said. ‘The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!
Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.’
In that way, the LORD scattered them all over the world, and they stopped building the city.
That is why the city was called Babel, because that is where the LORD confused the people with different languages. In this way he scattered them all over the world.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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OpposeErrorVery true.

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CitiesNeedGodProverbs 29:2: “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

I heard that the two black American celebrities, Diamond and Silk, were featuring in a movie called DUMMYCRATS. It was only a one-night showing so I thought it would be interesting to see what they had to say. I was not disappointed. They are hilarious in their very original black style and presentation.

The theater was full, and the audience very involved with lots of clapping and voices expressing agreement.

Diamond and Silk took us to areas of Democrat Maxine Waters’ electorate. It is the district centered in South Los Angeles County and includes portions of the Los Angeles, Carson, and Torrance. We saw enormous crowds of US citizens camping out on the streets while illegal immigrants are well provided for by the liberal government.

The movie also highlighted areas of San Francisco where hordes of people sleep on the streets, and even poop on the streets. Diamond and Silk had to step around the filth. We saw one young man drop his clothes and excrete human feces right on the foot path in front of everyone. This is creating a serious health hazard. This is Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s city.

These two liberal leaders would not accept interviews to discuss these deplorable and obscene problems. San Francisco is a sanctuary city that is a haven for all types of illegal aliens, including the most dangerous types.

Both these cities are gateway cities to the West Coast of America! What a standard for our great nation. This democrat leadership is turning these gateway cities, where many tourists come to visit this country, into animal stock yards. All decency of human, moral behavior is trampled underfoot by so-called progressive, socialist agendaites who have lost all decency of righteous behavior.

They do not want a wall to keep illegals out, but their own mansions are guarded by walls. What hypocrisy.

They show compassion to illegals to get their votes, but they show no compassion towards their own fellow citizens. These democrats only want power so that they themselves can live in luxury

Thank God that black Americans are starting to wake up.

For the righteous to rule, someone must bring righteous children to birth and raise them in the ways of righteousness. It is high time for Christian America to wake up and raise the children God wants us to raise. This is the only way we can fill our government with righteous leaders. It is the only way our cities will be able to rejoice in all the goodness and blessings that flow from our Father in Heaven who is the God of all righteousness.

A famous black singer, Andre Crouch, wrote and sung a song entitled, Jesus is the Answer:

Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way.

Proverbs 14:34: “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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DontNeglectBibleDon't neglect Bible Reading with your children each day. Your children will be saved from deception when they have God's Word living in them!

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When the pace seems slow
And few there be to care or know
That the world’s crept in the doors
And slackened every godly cause

When folks no longer want to pray
And seek the Lord to know His way
For sloth and ease have broken in
And robbed the church of the power to win.

Then do not let this crippling sin
Take hold of you and lock you in
Buckle up as ne’er before
Take hold of Heaven and knock its door.

Smash every tendency to be
Like others around who cannot see
When the tempting battle gets to boilin’
Treat the world as deadly poison!

No matter how many may be your foes
They will never stand your knockout blows
When all around are misbehaving
Sound the trumpet with banners waving.

Though the world and devils around may scoff
Just lift your sword and write them off
There’s no time to mess about,
Tell the lazy ones, “Stop being a lout!”

For there will be a sure reward
For those who diligently seek the Lord
It’s true you see, the surest way to victory
Is always on the bended knee.

~ Colin Campbell

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HappyMan"HAPPY is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall SPEAK with the enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127:5).
Notice the word HAPPY?

Picture of the lovely Reed family.

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ArrowHands"As arrows in the hand of a mighty man (a warrior); so are children of the youth" (Psalm 127:4).

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GenerationalGodGod sees beyond the present generation.

We trust that our senators will confirm Judge Cavanaugh to the Supreme Court tomorrow. If not, we will have to live with the consequences of our own unbelief.

We have been a limiting generation who did not have enough faith in God to provide for more than the average two-member families we have today. And yet we are one of the richest nations in the world.

I trust that God will be merciful and give us a strong and righteous judge who will interpret our constitution the way the founders created it to be interpreted and acted upon.

Numbers 14:31: “But your little ones which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in and they shall know the land which ye have despised.”

There are politicians who want unlimited immigration of cultures and backgrounds, who despise Christianity and Judeo/Christian ethics. At the same time, they want our families to be limited. We desperately need to pray that God will even yet raise up a new generation of young voters who believe that our great God is more than able to provide for as many children that He wants us to have.

Where are the arrows to shoot forth from godly, conservative, righteous upright families to fill all branches of our government?

Psalm 127:1: ”Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” America desperately needs married couples who will let God build their homes.

Psalm 27:3: “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” America needs Christian couples who will acknowledge that children they bring into the world are rewards from the Lord.

Psalm 127:4: “As arrows in the hand of a mighty man (a warrior), so are children of the youth.” America needs believing couples who will raise their children to be arrows, sent forth from their bows to make America great again. Arrows that will hit the mark and destroy all that is wrong in America today. Arrows that will impact this nation for good and vote in leaders of moral backbone.

Psalm 127:5: “Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” The opposition to moral conservatism fears Christians having larger families. What is the power that drives two-memeber families. Of course. It is the devil himself who hates life and hates children. He does all he can to deceive. He wants us to doubt God’s ability to provide. He wants us to be self-centered. He wants us to avoid a sacrificial life style.

He wants women out of their homes. He does not want them to understand the value of building a godly home. Multitudes of women are sacrificing their precious children on the altars of their careers. The men are blinded to see the importance of the mothers in the home. Mothers, families, and homes are almost synonymous terms.

God never intended that so-called Christian America should struggle to have enough votes to win an election that will defeat corruption and bring peace and prosperity. It is high time we stopped limiting godly families.

Are we concerned about the mid-term elections? Yes, we are. We need many more votes. Wake up Christian America before it’s too late.

Psalm 37:25: “I have been young and now am old: yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendteh and his see is blessed.” God promises that the children you thought you couldn’t afford will be a blessing. They will help turn the tide in our nation.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Painting by John Walter: Family Evening by the Fire. (1967)

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ChildrenHeritage"Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm 127:3).

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