Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


Mal46Prayer has the power to change the world. Without it the world has the power to change us!
~ Colin Campbell
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silence in the face of evil is itself evil “Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act”

-Dietrich Boenhoffer

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TowerBabelYou may recall that a few months ago I posted about the Georgia Guide Stones and how that only two weeks before they were struck with lightning, a small group of us were praying in our home at our weekly prayer meeting. A friend from California, Gary Evans, was visiting that night and challenged us to pray against them. Gary and his wife Trish lead the Above Rubies Family Retreat each year, up in the mountains behind San Diego.
This monument on which were written the ten commandments of the New World Order, had been standing for about 40 years. Their first mandate stated: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” This would eliminate billions of people.
We prayed powerful prayers that night that God would strike these stones with lightning or whatever, which happened about two weeks later. We know there must have been many others praying too.
However, this answer to prayer caused us all to greatly rejoice as this was obviously more than a coincidence. Ever since this happened, we have become more than ever aware of the similarity of the Tower of Babel and the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the need to attack it through our prayers that it will be destroyed.
The WEF is a tower composed of wealthy elitists and high-minded intellectuals led by Charles Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari who is considered Schwab’s top adviser. He is an Israeli professor in Jerusalem, and an atheist.
He states” “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population.” He also says that people “are no longer part of the story of the future . . . They simply have no role. Humanity 1.0 is being phased out, and only those humans willing to make the Transition to Humanity 2.0 and join the all-new species of transhuman, will be welcomed in the emerging technocratic society.”
He also writes that “the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence and bioengineering . . . “these technologies increasingly will make redundant . . . whatever people are still doing which is useful . . . and make it possible to replace the people.”
If you are not familiar with the plans of the World Economic Forum I would suggest you get hold of the book, “THE GREAT REESET AND THE WAR FOR THE WORLD” by Alex Jones.
The WEF, who meet annually in Davos, Switzerland, have groomed and trained political leaders who are at this present time leading in key positions of many nations, cities, and major wealthy businesses and organizations. In order to bring about a New World Order which will destroy pretty much all or present styles of government and historical constitutions.
Like Nimrod, who was the leader of the first New World Order, they place their trust in what man can do through science and technology to build a tower of a united one world government with themselves at the top! They call all the shots. They are now brazenly calling themselves God and no doubt destroy all those who oppose their views.
This is not a conspiracy theory, or something being done in secret. They are brazen and open about their plans and much of the world is already feeling the impact of their influences. They have the science, the finance, the technology, and the intellectualism to accomplish what they want—but they don’t have God. As Christians we must pray earnestly that God will strike down their proud high towers as He did to the Georgia Guide Stones.
To be continued.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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HumilityofChristBethlehem, where Jesus was born was a humble little town in Judah.
Mathew 2:6: “And thou Bethlehem . . . out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.”
Micah 5:2: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though thou be LITTLE among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” Jesus pre-existed before His birth.
Nazareth where Jesus lived after they returned from Egypt, was an insignificant town. It only had one spring of water. The word Nazareth comes from “Nazer” and means “separated or branch.” Jesus was called the “branch of Jesse.”
When the disciple Philip found Nathanael he said: “We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:4, 46).
God humbled Himself to have His Son raised in Nazareth. Even the people of Nazareth didn’t believe anything good could come out of Nazareth.
Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus was a humble carpenter from Nazareth, although he was a just man. (Matthew 1:19).
Jesus was rejected in Nazareth because they could not understand from where He received his wisdom and mighty works. The people said: “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brothers, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? And they were offended in him? (Matthew 13:53-58).
Because of their lack of faith and not believing in Jesus, he did very few miracles in Nazareth. Nothing never expected anything great to happen there. They felt bad that He performed mighty miracles, and they did not.
However, the angel Gabriel visited Joseph and Mary in Nazareth (Luke 16-38). We read Mary’s response in uke 1:46-55). Verses 48, 51, and 52 say: “For he has regarded the LOW ESTATE of his handmaiden, for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed . . . He hath SCATTERED THE PROUD in the imagination of their hearts. HE HATH PUT DOWN THE MIGHTY from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.”
Jesus, the Son of God and the glory of Heaven, was born in a manger.
Luke 2:7: “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
NO ROOM IN THE INN FOR THE SON OF GOD TO BE BORN! The maker and creator of Heaven nd earth! How humble can you be? Born in a manger, a trough for animal’s food!
This is the way God planned, before the foundation of the world, for His only Begotten Son to be born. Why? To teach the world that the God we serve loves and greatly desires humility, especially from His own people.
God showed the glory of His birth to the shepherds, not the high and mighty (Luke 2: 28-21).
The account of Jesus’ birth is all about humility. So why are we so full of pride?
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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WrittenLetterAn important case is set to be discussed by the Supreme Court on January 6th. It is the Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al, case which sues the members of Congress who voted against the proposed 10-day audit of the 2020 elections and instead immediately certified them. This was a breach of their oath of office.
You can read and understand more by going to:
Be Heard, Not Herded
They need every adult who is concerned about the stolen election of 2020 (which has now been exposed on all fronts) to write to the Supreme Court and ask them to support this lawsuit. We must do it now to get the letters in time.
Have a letter writing party with your family. Everyone sits down and write, Mom, Dad, and all children who can write. Send each letter to the Supreme Court separately and copies to Brunson as they need to know how many are getting to the Supreme court. All details provided in link above.
If you look up Brunson Case” on the Internet, you can find many sites giving you a lot more information. Please pass this important information on to everyone you know and encourage them to do the same.
Nancy Campbell
Picture: Loy Brunson
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Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All.

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TellYourWife“Daily tell your wife daily how much you love her and that you cannot afford to sacrifice her to the altar of careerism.”
~ Colin Campbell
Painting by Monica Luniak.
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GKChesterton"The worst moment for an atheist is when he is really thankful and has no one to thank."
~ G. K. Chesterton
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FamAltar"Every Christian home should have established within it a family altar made of the solid rocks of resolution, an altar whose foundation should be memorization and understanding of God’s law. “
~ The Evidence Bible, Compiled by Ray Comfort
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Complicity“It is important to remember this key point: Everything the government does to you is by your consent. You either explicitly gave them consent, or by your silence, they assumed your consent.
~ Jason W. Hoyt
It's not the government that is the problem; it is we the people! We have allowed what is happening. It is time to be a voice. The government will always take advantage of a silent people.
~ Colin Campbell
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Fight with all you have.

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God, give me daily strength to fight for my family.

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NotAfraidThe expected red wave was certainly not what we hoped for. At this moment the senate seems to hold very little hope and light for supporting the conservative agenda. I hope I am wrong. The House of Representatives appears to now be in our control. Thank you, God.
We must pray that they will be able to pass legislation on behalf of the truth and bring justice and judgment between lies versus truth, salt versus corruption, and light versus darkness.
We must pray for a unity amongst all republican leaders, a unity that is not based on compromise and lies but solid truth, a unity based on what is constitutional and right for America. This requires leaders who will exercise integrity and backbone.
Where is the heart of God among the women of America who voted to kick back against Roe v. Wade being overturned. Many women voted for the democrat agenda because its main platform was woman’s rights. I doubt they considered the morals of murdering the baby in the womb, even to kill the baby after birth. Would this not call the Judge of the whole earth to discipline this nation with severe judgment, especially after the 40 years of fighting for it to be overturned by the Supreme Court.
As a nation we should not take the mercy of God for granted. The leftist agenda is slamming a fist into the face of God because it legislates against holiness. It is not only abortion, but now they include the mutilation of the human body to bring about sex changes, as well as other degrading moral legislation.
We stand on the brink of severe discipline from our holy God. May the Lord have mercy upon us for I sense judgment is at the door and it will not be nice.
This is indeed a war between good and evil and light and darkness. If ever there was a time to intercede and pray for America to turn back to God, it is surely now.
We must pray for individuals, families, and churches that they will repent and turn back to God.
We must pray that God will bring down those who plan evil—whether through vaccinations where the main purpose is to cull the human population by the death of millions,or legislation to change our DNA,or legislation to defy the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade,and many other evils that are espoused by the New World Order and World Economic Forum and our pro-socialist government where the people have no say.
Who wants to live in a world that is overrun by perverts and those who practice all types of sexual immorality? The liars and deceivers are seeking to overrun the righteous. They denounce our conservative values with a vengeance. They want to be elected even if it means they must cheat and steal to make it happen. This they will do if we do not pray and have a revival of spiritual backbone.
We cannot and must not be suckers to their lies and deceptions any longer.
By the grace of God we must push back against their clever frauds that are demonically inspired.
We must resist with all the powerful truth that comes like a two-edged sword out of the mouth of the Captain of our Salvation whose kingdom will never end.
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).
So, where Oh, where do we go from here? There is nowhere else to go but to the Lord with every fiber of our being.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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NotToAct“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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VaclavHavel“In everyone there is some willingness to merge with the anonymous crowd and to flow comfortably along with it down the river of pseudo-life. This is much more than a simple conflict between two identities. It is something far worse: it is a challenge to the very notion of identity itself.”
~ Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless
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HomeEachEveningHow do you come home to your family? Like a wet blanket with a frown and gruff voice? Or do you bring joy and happiness the moment you arrive home?
Why not come home with surprises sometimes? Some interesting things for the children or flowers for your wife.
Walk in the door with an encouraging word and a smile for everyone. What a difference you can make to your wife who has been home with the children all day!
Let your wife and children anticipate your homecoming with joy and excitement.
~ Colin Campbell
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YourVoteCountsTo stay home and not vote is to forfeit your privilege and constitutional rights as a citizen of this country. When you vote, you put feet to elect leaders who will legislate conservative and godly values. To not vote simply allows evil to overtake this great country. The opposition will not be satisfied until they take over everything and “we the people” will own nothing and will have no rights to vote them out of power ever again for voting is against their mindset.
Sadly, perhaps only then will those who stayed at home regret they did not vote. By then it will be too late to change the rules with the freedom that God has currently provided in this country.
The future of this blessed country is in our hands.
We must do all we can do to silence the voice and power of the radicals who have no fear of God and have given themselves over to every type of evil imaginable. And yet have the audacity to call evil good and good evil. Read Isaiah 5:20-24.
Many understand that the challenges we are currently facing are prophesied in the Bible, e.g., the one world government, the World Economic Forum, not being able to buy or sell without a mark or number of the beast etc., eventually have to take place, so “bring it on,” they say. “Let’s get it over with.” This attitude is very fatalistic and requires no resistance of evil. The least we can do is to oppose evil with our vote. That’s just the beginning.
God’s people are called to be salt and light which resist evil and darkness. As if abortion were not evil enough, we now have the culling of the population through vaccinations and even transgender where they are mutilating children’s bodies to the opposite sex and who will never be able to have children. We who are the vessels of salt and light are expected to not only approve it but to applaud it. This we cannot do.
We must resist all temptation to be neutral which is neither for nor against evil.
James 4:17: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Read also 1 Peter 5:8, 9.
My heart tells me that these elections are not just about the economy which is bad enough. It is much more important to stand up and resist the flood of evil, lies, and the diabolical immorality that is flooding our country and infecting all that we have and are in this nation.
The only hope that we have left is that righteous people will stand up, put on the whole armor of God, and resist all evil. These elections are just one important way of resisting evil.
We are fast running out of time. We must take action now.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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GetSparkyMen who do not have "spark" are bland and boring. Their eyes are dull and lifeless. They have no oomph in their personality or spring in their step.
We know how bad it is when we keep pulling the rope to start the engine of the lawnmower but there is no spark. You feel like throwing the wrench at it! No woman should marry a man like this, and no one should ever hire such a man.
Spark denotes life. As men get older, they tend to lose their spark and zest for life, but I do not believe that it should be this way. Men should take all the corrective measures possible to stop themselves from oxidizing and getting rusty. We know that drugs, alcohol, and pornography can ruin a man's personality. Sitting around and living a sedentary lifestyle, coupled with laziness, and not showing initiative, also takes the spark out of a man.
Mountain climbers would never dream of taking a man without any spark on such a dangerous expedition. God also wants men like Abraham and Caleb with lots of spark to climb His mountains.
Let’s be reminded again of Caleb’s confession: “As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come. Now therefore GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN” (Joshua 14:12, 12). This mountain was inhabited by giants, but he was ready to take them on at 85 years of age!
Remember, it only takes a few sparks to get a fire going. The best sparks come from Christians filled with the Holy Spirit. Reading God's Word and praying daily are an excellent combination to create sparks.
~ Colin Campbell
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BERIGHT“Men, if we are going to be men of courage, we must speak up for what's right when the opportunity presents itself. If you have any truth in you, for goodness’ sake, SAY IT! Do not hide truth behind closed doors.”
~ Colin Campbell
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What are you doing...


...to make a difference?

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