To stay home and not vote is to forfeit your privilege and constitutional rights as a citizen of this country. When you vote, you put feet to elect leaders who will legislate conservative and godly values. To not vote simply allows evil to overtake this great country. The opposition will not be satisfied until they take over everything and “we the people” will own nothing and will have no rights to vote them out of power ever again for voting is against their mindset.
Sadly, perhaps only then will those who stayed at home regret they did not vote. By then it will be too late to change the rules with the freedom that God has currently provided in this country.
The future of this blessed country is in our hands.
We must do all we can do to silence the voice and power of the radicals who have no fear of God and have given themselves over to every type of evil imaginable. And yet have the audacity to call evil good and good evil. Read Isaiah 5:20-24.
Many understand that the challenges we are currently facing are prophesied in the Bible, e.g., the one world government, the World Economic Forum, not being able to buy or sell without a mark or number of the beast etc., eventually have to take place, so “bring it on,” they say. “Let’s get it over with.” This attitude is very fatalistic and requires no resistance of evil. The least we can do is to oppose evil with our vote. That’s just the beginning.
God’s people are called to be salt and light which resist evil and darkness. As if abortion were not evil enough, we now have the culling of the population through vaccinations and even transgender where they are mutilating children’s bodies to the opposite sex and who will never be able to have children. We who are the vessels of salt and light are expected to not only approve it but to applaud it. This we cannot do.
We must resist all temptation to be neutral which is neither for nor against evil.
James 4:17: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Read also 1 Peter 5:8, 9.
My heart tells me that these elections are not just about the economy which is bad enough. It is much more important to stand up and resist the flood of evil, lies, and the diabolical immorality that is flooding our country and infecting all that we have and are in this nation.
The only hope that we have left is that righteous people will stand up, put on the whole armor of God, and resist all evil. These elections are just one important way of resisting evil.
We are fast running out of time. We must take action now.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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