Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 325: What Do You Do While You Wait for The Man of Your Dreams? Part 1

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 325Epi325pic: What Do You Do While You Wait for The Man of Your Dreams? Part 1


Caitlin Drennan joins me today. Caitlin and her sister, Elizabeth, have been my wonderful Above Rubies helpers for the last two months. Caitlin (20 years old) shares her heart about waiting for the man of her dreams. What is she doing to fulfil her life as she waits for this moment?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! We have a special podcast coming up today. I have with me my wonderful Above Rubies helper, Caitlin. I have never done a podcast with one of my Above Rubies helpers before, but today we’re going to do that. We’re going to talk about WHAT DO YOU DO WHILE YOU WAIT FOR THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS?

What I suggest is that you call all your daughters around. As you're going to listen to this, grab them. Yell out to them now to come. Maybe some of your daughters are not even at home. Well, give them a call. Tell them if they can, listen into this, because this is especially for the young people in these years, just waiting for that man who they are dreaming will come along, because let’s face facts. Every girl is dreaming of that man that God is going to send to her. That’s natural. That’s normal. That’s how it’s meant to be. Some will deny that, but really, they’re not being truthful, because that’s what they’re longing for.

So, Caitlin is 20 years of age. She had her 20th birthday while she was with us here. She’s going to share her heart today. I think it’s going to be so amazing!

Are you yelling out to all your young people and also, the little girls too? Because they will love to hear these things. In fact, my granddaughters, even when they were little toddlers, wanted to be princesses, and dreaming of when they would marry a prince. All little girls are going to love this podcast today.

Before we get into it, I want to catch you up with where we are with the Above Rubies Magazine. I now have the new magazine, # 102. I have it all ready to go to print. I’m so excited to get another issue of Above Rubies out to this nation and to the whole of the world. Oh, how we need to get out this truth!

I still don’t have all the money in. I’m believing for it, but I’m just going ahead in faith and trusting that I’ll be going to print very shortly. I would also ask you, if you have a change of address, or any changes at all, please send them into me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

When we send out a magazine, we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of magazines that get returned to us because nobody knows where to send them. The people have left their address and they’ve never let us know. That wastes a magazine. So, do let us know if you’ve changed your address. Or if you have other people you’d love to give Above Rubies, you can send in their names and addresses. Or if you're not even on the mailing list, make sure you are, because this is going to be a wonderful, encouraging magazine that’s going to come out to you.

And if the Lord touches your heart, perhaps you’ll even want to give a donation. This is the only way we get Above Rubies out to the world. In fact, this is the longest I have waited between magazines because I’m waiting for the finance. I don’t go to print until I can pay for it! So, if the Lord touches your heart to get out this message of truth to the families of the world, please help us. OK? Oh, the Lord bless you.

Now, we’re getting back to our podcast today. I hope you've got your teens around you, and your little girls, and everybody listening. I’m introducing Caitlin! Say hi!

Caitlin: Hello, everyone! I’m so honored to be here today and get to sit with Nana. It’s what we call her as Ruby Girls here, Nana. I’ve listened to her podcasts for years growing up, with my mother. Doing dishes we would listen to the podcast. It’s such an honor to get to be here today and share a little bit of my heart for young women.

Nancy: It’s going to be so exciting. I have with me here Caitlin, and her sister Elizabeth. I always have two Above Rubies girls at a time. This time, Caitlin and Elizabeth came together. I think it’s rather lovely when sisters can be together. Actually, Caitlin and Elizabeth came last summer as well. Elizabeth was a little younger. Usually, I don’t take girls until they’re at least 17, but I said, “Oh, yes, well, Elizabeth can come if she can come with her sister.” Well, Elizabeth proved that she was as good as any 25-year-old!

Caitlin: Oh, yes!

Nancy: She’s been such a blessing and is still a blessing. We’re so blessed by all the beautiful Above Rubies girls that come into our home, they come from lovely homeschooling families. Colin and I always say that we have the cream of the nation come into our home. Well, sometimes we get the cream on top of the cream! That’s what we think of Caitlin and Elizabeth. They’re just about to leave. Their time here . . . It’s going to be so sad. We don’t know what we’ll do without them.

Caitlin: Oh, we’re so sad.

Nancy: I have Ruth here. She’s come. She’s learning already to take over, and another girl will be coming soon too. It’s such a joy to have them. In fact, Caitlin’s family, the Drennans, are now actually praying about selling their property down in Texas and coming to live with us up here on the Hilltop! We can’t wait for that to happen.

Caitlin: Yes, we’re happy about it.

Nancy: Let me tell you something else too. Now, am I allowed to tell? Elizabeth, actually, now has a friendship with one of Serene’s sons, Shepherd. He’s such a lovely young man. Actually, it started last year, and then this year, they’re still moving along in their little sweet friendship, and it’s so beautiful.

Caitlin: Yes. Well, I have to say it’s been just the greatest blessing, coming and being able to be an Above Rubies helper. Some Ruby Girls dream about being an Above Rubies girl for years and years, growing up with the magazine. But at least it’s something that came about, pretty soon before we came as Ruby Girls.

It’s been such a blessing to be able to come and be a part of this community. my sister and I together. It’s such an incredible opportunity. So, I recommend it to any young girl who is seeking to go on a mission for Jesus. It’s an amazing incredible opportunity to get to sit at the feet of the Campbells and get to really glean from their years of wisdom and walking with the Lord. We’ve been so incredibly blessed. We are so sad to have to leave the community for a short time right now.

Nancy: But then, what happens is you become part of this family on the Hilltop. It’s not just being with us. You’ve made so many friends and now you’re family too. Now, goodness me, you’re just going to come and live here.

Caitlin: Yes, yes! It’s so incredible to see a community that really has a heart and passion for the Lord, daily striving for what He has for us as children of God. A community coming together to serve Him and seek His will.

Nancy: As Caitlin said, they do call us Nana and Granddad, because we have so many grandchildren around calling us Nana and Granddad. Many in the fellowship call us Nana and Granddad, so I say to the girls, “Look, you might as well call us Nana and Granddad too.” We love that. I would expect them to call me Mr. and Mrs. Campbell if they didn’t want to do that, but this sounds so formal. We do love “Nana and Granddad.”

It’s a little bit like what The Newsboys would call my husband back in the early days because they were so much part of our lives in the early days. For a few years, Colin was actually driving them. When we lived back in Australia, before we even came to the States, The Newsboys lived with us at some stages.

Because they were so close to us, they didn’t want to be disrespectful. They didn’t want to call my husband “Colin,” because that would be disrespectful. It was too formal to call him “Mr. Campbell,” so they nick-named him “Mr. C.” They used to call him “Mr. C.” back in those days.

Caitlin: That’s great!

Nancy: So, let’s get on. We’re going to talk, as I said, about, what do you do while you’re waiting for this man to come along? Because, really, that’s what you're always waiting for. What are you going to do while you're waiting? What are you doing, Caitlin?

Caitlin: Absolutely. I have to say, growing up, my mother found Above Rubies when I was about six years old, so I’ve grown up with this passion, naturally, a God-given desire to be a wife and a mother someday. I think that’s the desire of most young women. It’s just innate. It’s instilled in us, like you say.

Nancy: Unless it’s brainwashed out of you.

Caitlin: Right. Absolutely.

Nancy: I think that is totally . . . It’s our innate longing. God has put it in us. But, of course, you have so many young people today who don’t want to get married, and they don’t . . . Well, they might want to get married, because they fall in love, but then, they’re not really wanting to have children or be bogged down in the home.

But that is because they’ve been programmed, and brainwashed, and told that motherhood is insignificant. They’ve got to go out and make their way in the world with their career. And it’s all brainwashing, because it is not what is truly within a woman. It’s what God has put within us, and if we take away all the brainwashing, that’s what we’re left with; that longing and desire to get married, to have children, to make a home.

Caitlin: Yes! Absolutely! I’ve definitely had that longing and desire in my heart for many years! As a young girl, as long as I can really remember. Yes, as I’ve come of that age when some young women are finding young men and they’re getting married, and all of that, it’s been a journey for me to find out what is it that God has for me in this time of waiting, because I haven’t found a young man yet. And that’s OK.

God sometimes doesn’t bring about the young man that He has for you for a good number of years. He has His timing and His divine plan for each and every young woman. It’s been a journey that He’s taken me on, personally, finding out how can I best use this time that He’s given me.

It’s been laid on my heart that our mission in ministry for Jesus starts now. I think in this Above Rubies culture and community, a lot of young women who are in my place, having grown up with this countercultural view of what a woman is and her purpose within the home, it’s such a beautiful thing. They tend to have this mentality that sometimes you have to just wait, and their mission can’t start until they are a mother, or until they are a wife. They have to wait for that time.

But I want to encourage you young women that your mission can start NOW, in preparation for those wonderful, beautiful days, whenever God calls you to be a wife and a mother. Your mission and ministry for Jesus starts now. You don’t have to wait until you’re married or have children to start your form of ministry for the kingdom. Start now, being an on-fire, sold-out Christian who is completely surrendered to Him and His will for your life.

Nancy: What does that mean, practically, in your life, Caitlin?

Caitlin: For me, I was pouring out everything for the Lord, my heart’s desires. I laid it all at His feet, and I asked Him, “How can I best use this time to serve You, God? How can I prepare myself for those years of marriage and motherhood?” He laid it on my heart that I needed to be in training, and prepare myself, and be at my mother’s feet too, watching and learning.

Honestly, I’ve been doing this for years, growing up. My mother’s been training me to be a wife and mother my whole life. But really, pressing in and learning how to keep a home, how to care for a family, serve my family well.

But even more importantly, though, I felt the call to use this time to really throw myself wholeheartedly into God’s Word, and to prepare myself spiritually, because I know that whenever I am married, when I have children, my time will be more limited. I won’t necessarily have as much time to devote to pouring myself out into God’s Word. I think it’s so important right now, as we’re young, and we are single, that God has given us this time to prepare spiritually for this mission that He has for us.

And then also, I felt that God was leading me to come and serve the Above Rubies ministry, which, honestly, I wouldn’t be able to do if I was married and had children. Yes, God has a specific plan and timing for everything. That would have been wonderful if I had been married already, but He allowed for me to have this time to be an Above Rubies helper.

Nancy: Getting back to your pouring your heart into the Word, I think that is a very, very important point. I go back to my younger years, before I was married, late teens and early twenties, although I was married by the time I was 21. But in my late teens, I wasn’t thinking about marriage so much. I was sold out to the Lord, and I thought I would go out and be an “old maid” missionary.

Caitlin: Right! [laughter]

Nancy: But at that time of my life, I was so set to seek after God that I did pour my heart into the Word. I made it a habit, so that every day I woke up early, very early. I would set my alarm for five in the morning. I would get up. Well, I didn’t want to get up, especially wintertime in New Zealand, because back there, we didn’t have air conditioning or heating, or anything like that. In the wintertime, it was freezing. You’d put your feet on the floor, and it would be like ice. I’d be, “Oooh, I’m going to go back into bed!”

I knew that I wouldn’t want to get up, so I would set another alarm about five minutes later, under the bed, or some weird place where I’d have to knock my head to turn it off. I’d be really awake, and then I would go to my special room under the home where I would go. I would spend three hours in the Word, and in prayer, and seeking God, because I had this longing and desire to do that.

But now, looking back, I see that it was the greatest preparation for my life as a mother, and raising our children, and for my whole life since. I don’t think I would be doing what I’m doing today, or even doing Above Rubies if I hadn’t had that foundation in the Word. You come into your marriage, and into motherhood, with the Word already in you, because I believe that is one of the greatest preparations for motherhood is having that Word in you.

We, as mothers, have got to be the teachers of the Word to our children. In fact, we are the teachers of life to our children. We’re the teachers of their whole worldview. We either teach them a biblical worldview, or a worldly worldview. We’re got to have strong convictions that are in the Word, that are founded on the Word of God. What you’re doing is so wonderful, because it is one of the greatest preparations to prepare yourself.

Caitlin: Yes, absolutely! Yes. These are the training grounds for that time. I love what you said about we, as women, we are the ones who are to teach the next generation. I think it’s so important, even in our years before children, to really capture that generational mindset, to really adopt that mindset, and realize that what we are doing now is not only going to affect our future children, but future generations of warriors for Christ, and those who will uphold righteousness in our nation and our world.

It’s such an important thing to catch ahold of in this time of preparation, because I think we will be more motivated to dig deep into the Word if we have that vision. OK, I’m not just preparing for my future or my future children. No, I’m preparing for generations!

Nancy: Oh, you are!

Caitlin: Followers of Jesus who are going to be blessed because of my obedience to God right now. I think it’s so important, like my parents definitely instilled in us that generational mindset from a very early age. My dad, in a very humble place, he always said that he felt that God had called him to be like an Abraham, and to lead the next generation of warriors for Christ, those who are going to seek wholeheartedly after Him.

I grew up with that mentality. We are not just preparing for our future, but for our children’s future, and our grandchildren’s future, and great-grandchildren! We’re pouring into that in what we’re doing right now. Yes.

Nancy: I love Joshua 1:8. “This book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein, day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written there in, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” The whole success of our future lives hinges on the foundation of the Word, of having that Word in us.

I also, in those years, my later teen years, I did a lot of Scripture memory. That’s one of the things I’m so grateful for! I still love to learn Scripture, but it’s much more difficult now. I’ll learn it, and sometimes it just seems to disappear, and I’ve got to learn it again. But those Scriptures, and there were so many that I learned in those younger years, they are still with me. They do not evade me, ever. I can just speak them forth. They’re in me.

Yes, we are waiting upon the Lord. Listening to Him is so important. That’s why it’s not so easy to have your ten-minute reading of the Word or something. I grew up being encouraged and inspired that you must have your daily Quiet Time. And it was a good thing. I started off with that habit, but it grew bigger and bigger and bigger.

I still encourage young people today. But I have yet to really find many who will really take it up. Oh yes, they’ll have their little Bible reading, and that’s about it. That’s good. A little Bible reading every day is good, and I hope you're doing that. But there’s something more. There is more. There is always more, and the more we will put into it, the more we will get for our lives.

I encourage any listening today, that you would have it in your heart to not just do your ten-minute reading. “Ok, done that for today!” No, but put aside time. Put aside an hour, maybe two hours. I don’t know whether you can go to three hours like I used to every day.

But, oh, I used to find I never had enough time, because there’s so much in the Word. It’s our life. I do encourage, and memorizing, and memorizing. I was blessed that my father loved to memorize the Word of God, so we would do a lot of memorizations together. When he was in his 80’s, he was still memorizing chapters of the Word of God. When he preached, the Word of God just poured out of him. It was so wonderful.

Caitlin: That’s incredible! I have to say, you are the biggest inspiration for me in memorizing Scripture, because it’s incredible. Nana here can just rattle off all kinds of Scriptures that are applying to whatever situation we’re talking about. It’s so incredibly inspiring.

I hope that someday I can memorize like that, that I have that much knowledge of the Word, to where I can pull one out whenever I need it. Yes, it’s so inspiring to see how you really do have those Scriptures available to you at any given moment.

Nancy: Yes. I think we can all do that. One of my favorite Scriptures in the Word of God, I have so many, is Proverbs 4:18: “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day.” This is my walk with the Lord. It’s a more and more walk. Every day is something more. Every day there’s something more in the Word of God. There’s always something more to learn, or there’s something more I’m convicted about. It’s always more and more.

Even when we’re convicted, that is proof that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in our lives, that He's still speaking to us, keeping us in line. That’s our walk with the Lord. I want to encourage all you young people, you're only beginning, and it’s going to be more and more and more and more as you go on.

Caitlin: Yes, absolutely. That’s so important. I think that it’s so crucial right now, during this time, when we are preparing for that man that God is going to be bringing into our lives, that we press in, and become the kind of person that you are looking for in a husband. Because you want a man who is filled with God’s Word. You want a man who is pressing into Scripture and seeking the Lord wholeheartedly.

So, focus on being a Spirit-filled, on-fire, sold-out Proverbs 31 woman, and God will send you the kind of man you are looking for, because you want a partner in life-long ministry. Be someone who attracts a man who has a heart after God, and a vision for having a family on this thing with Jesus.

Nancy: I know, and that’s so true, Caitlin. I know that is our testimony, too, because Colin and I were both totally sold out to God in our young years, you know, in those years, when people are courting and so on. All I wanted was a man who loved God with all his heart and was passionate for God. But that’s what he wanted, too. So, we found each other!

Caitlin: Yes! Isn’t that incredible?

Nancy: That’s the wonderful thing. That’s what you’re saying. You will find the desire of your heart, but YOU HAVE RTO BE THAT TOO! You want a man after God’s own heart, well, you've got to be that woman after God’s own heart, because that’s what he will be looking for.

Caitlin: Absolutely! It reminds me of Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” We have to seek after God if we want Him to bring about that kind of man.

Nancy: In fact, when Colin and I were courting, where did we mostly court? In prayer meetings!

Caitlin: Prayer meetings! That’s wonderful.

Nancy: Where we mostly attended. We were in prayer meetings. Prayer meetings. In fact, in those days, it was a day when God was pouring out His Spirit in our land in New Zealand. We were having all-night prayer meetings at our home. Way down in the city where my husband lived, he was going to prayer meetings like that too.

When we met, we would be in prayer meetings. I notice, I think, Elizabeth, maybe you and Shepherd spend more time in prayer meetings than anything else on the Hilltop here! But what a wonderful way to begin your courtship.

Caitlin: Absolutely. That’s so beautiful.

Nancy: It’s seeking after God, but also life is practical.

Caitlin: Right!

Nancy: What are you doing practically to prepare?

Caitlin: Practically, I definitely, whenever I am at home, I am preparing myself by serving my family. I’m learning all the skills, practically, that I would need to be a wife and mother, to honor the Lord in my home, and to care for my family well.

But I’m also looking for opportunities to minister outside the home, too, because that’s so important. Like I said, with Above Rubies, I’ve been able to do that. And then also pressing in. Keeping God’s will is so important because everyone’s story is so different. God likes all of our stories.

I think it’s incredibly important to keep God’s will for your life. Where does He want you to be in ministry? Where does He want you to impact others? This is the time that He is going to lay before you opportunities that maybe you wouldn’t have otherwise if you were married. So, yes, I think it’s important to seek after God’s will, and ask Him, “Where is it that You want to have me?” For many years growing up, I definitely had that mindset.

I did not feel the calling to go to college, specifically, because I knew that my calling was to be a wife and a mother, and to hopefully encourage the next generation of young women, and to point to them. College was not in God’s plan for me, even though many suggested college, or asked questions. “Why aren’t you going to college?” I had to say, “That’s just not God’s plan for me.” That’s OK, if that’s someone else’s plan, that if that’s what God has for them, because, like I said, everyone’s story is going to written differently.

Nancy: Although I think, really, what happens in most people’s lives today is, they don’t often really even seek the Lord for His plan, because it’s just the norm. OK, you graduate, you go to college. They think, “OK, that’s what I do.” And usually, the parents send them to college.

There may have been a time, years and years ago, that would have been fine. But sadly, our colleges today are breeding grounds for extreme socialism and communism. They are pouring out into our nation a generation who are totally brainwashed, actually, in communism.

People find this hard to believe, but no, we are facing communism in this nation. In fact, I saw recently a few times on Instagram, I could not believe it! This was not in China. This was in the USA, where there were hundreds and hundreds of people marching and waving the communist flag! I could not believe it! This is the USA! They were young people who have been brainwashed in college.

I don’t believe, I don’t believe that any young girl especially, because it’s such a carnal place. I know too many stories of these beautiful young, homeschooled girls who have gone off to college and they come home, and they’re violated. They’re no longer virgins. And their whole brains have been changed. They have been brainwashed in everything that’s anti-God and anti-family, and against the Constitution of our nation.

Caitlin: It’s so heartbreaking.

Nancy: Why would we go to college to learn that? If there was something very specific, it can be done online. There are college classes which you can do online. There’s so much you can learn online today. You can get degrees online, which often now are important, especially for men who are going to be the providers of the home.

They often need these degrees, and they need their education, although really, even more than a degree, I do believe, that a man’s gift makes room for him. The Word of God says in Proverbs 18:16: “A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before kings.” My father brought me up on that Scripture.

It was true in his own life. The giftings that he had all his life brought him before royalty. As the world champion shearer, he sheared before the Queen on more than one occasion. But it is true. I see in my own children, all grown up, most of my children are now grandparents themselves.

Do I have to tell you a secret? Not one of our children went to college, but they are all successful in what they are doing, perhaps more successful than the average person. Their gifts made room for them, made way for them, and blessed them in this life. That’s God’s plan. He puts the gifts that He gives us in us. If we have opportunity to use those giftings, God blesses them, and therefore blesses our lives.

Caitlin: Yes, absolutely. That’s so important. It’s so true, what you were saying. You’re seeking after God’s will. The most important thing is to learn to seek after God’s will for your life right now, in your youth, and to learn to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life, and to be open to whatever He sends your way. If we are fully surrendered and seeking Him in all of our ways, then, yes, we will be doing the will of the Father.

I think that is so important to learn to listen to His voice is all things. Isaiah 26:3 says: “You keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” That’s a verse that’s always really resonated with me, because I find that whenever I’m seeking the Lord, it’s usually the peace that surpasses all understanding that He gives me whenever He is showing me, “This is what I have for you.”

Whenever I wait, trying to figure out after I had graduated homeschool graduation, I was trying to figure out, “What is it, Lord, that You have for me next in this life? Because I’m not married right now. What is it that You have for me? I don’t want to waste this precious time that You’ve given me. I want to be on missions for You, Jesus. I want my life to already be fully surrendered to You in all areas. I want to be a missionary for You.”

Not necessarily abroad, not a missionary abroad, because you can be a missionary on the home front, a missionary in the marketplace. I was really seeking the Lord in that. My idea had been, “I’m going to stay home. God has given me this opportunity to learn from my family, my mother, how to be a wife, mother, homemaker.

I figured, “Oh well, I’ll never do anything outside of the home.” But He brought to me the Above Rubies internship. I really questioned. I was asking, “Lord God? Am I supposed to do this? This would be leaving my family for two months. God, is this really what You have for me?” But then, yes, He showed me, “This is what I have for you. I have something for you there. I have something for you to learn.” We have to be open to God’s working and will in our lives, because it may look different than we originally expected it to look.

Then also, another thing that He laid on my heart to work on. I became a Trim Healthy Mama Coach. Entrepreneurship has been very important to me in my life. I felt God had laid that on my heart too, to be able to minister to women through that. Yes, that’s also been another means that God has given to me to minister to others. I think it’s important to work on those ministry opportunities now, because those will carry over into our lives. We want a family that is on missions for Jesus.

Nancy: Yes, and that’s something you can do right throughout your married life. I must say that, OK, Caitlyn hasn’t been to college, but she came into this home last year, and again this year with her sister. These girls came in. They know how to run a home. They’re the most beautiful cooks.

But they can do anything in the office. They are so well educated. There’s nothing they don’t know. In fact, many times I’m a little clueless about things when they go wrong on the computer. “Help! Caitlyn, please come and show me how to do this!” She can fix anything. But there’s a lot more we’ve got to talk about. There are things I’ve got to ask you yet, so we’ll have to do another session, OK? Since the time has gone.

Caitlin: Yes, of course!

Nancy: All right, next podcast we’ll be having Caitlin again. So, bring your daughters back for some more interesting things we’ve got to talk about. We haven’t got to all the nitty gritty yet. Let’s pray.

“Lord, we thank You again, that we can be together, talk about the things that belong to us as women, and even in our single days. Father, I pray that You will bless everyone listening today, all the young people, children, everyone, Lord God. Pour out Your blessing on them. Lord, we pray that You will cement our families closer and closer together and strengthen them in this hour. We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies”





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