Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 321: Your Past Does Not Define You, Part 2

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 321Epi321picYour Past Does Not Define You, Part 2

Pam Fields continues her story. Although coming from a home of confusion and evil practices, God has brought Pam into a large place, enjoying her marriage, family, and ministry. She is proof that your past does not define who God made you to be.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Pam Fields is with me again today. She’s going to finish up her story of telling you things behind the scenes. Anyway Pam, you mentioned to me about how when you were a little girl, you found it very hard to sleep, obviously because of the things that were going on in your home. But what did you do?

Pam: Well, it was the most amazing thing, in retrospect, how God was looking after me and drawing me to Himself. You mentioned earlier, in the last episode, the nearness of God. When I was little, and I could not sleep, for some reason I went out to the bookshelf. There was a black King James Bible. I took it back to my bedroom and I lay on top of it, and I fell asleep.

It worked every time. I wasn’t opening it. I wasn’t reading it. I didn’t understand the words inside of it, but somehow, just sleeping with my arms wrapped around the Bible, the Word of God, gave me peace. I was able to sleep amidst all of the stuff.

Nancy: Amen! Yes, that Word is alive and active. Praise the Lord! Now later on in your life, you actually met someone who lived in that house you lived in for so many years. That one they had the police raid on. That opened up someone interesting information to you, didn’t it?

Pam: Yeah. We still lived in Oregon. I saw that they were going to be bulldozing that property, that house, to make way for a shopping center. That couple that lived in that house at that time had a garage sale. I thought, “Well, I never set foot in that house again as a child. Before it’s gone, I should go look.”

So, I went to this garage sale and started talking to the young couple that lived there. It turned out that he’d grown up in the house. There were a couple of owners after us. I said, “You know, I grew up in this house.” They said, “Were there weird things that happened there?” I said, “Oh yes. There was a lot of weird things that went on in this house.”

They said, “Did the demons live here then?” I was shocked. I said, “I know there were demons here in this house.” I didn’t know as a child when I lived there, that’s what they were.” But I said, “Yes. It was very much a house where things like that went on.”

This was a young, Christian homeschooling family, I found out, by what they were selling at the garage sale. They said they had had several missionaries come that had been out of the country, places where maybe people see this a little more often and recognize it. They said they had walked in the house, these missionaries, and just jumped back. They said, “Do you see that? Do you know the presence that is in this house?”

The couple said, “Yes, we know it’s here. It’s always been here. We pray for the Lord’s protection on our family.” I told them that I know as a child my siblings had broken up a few walls and hidden a few little treasures in the wall, so maybe someday someone could find them if we ever moved out. Knowing the place was going to be bulldozed, this young man said, “Well, tonight when you leave, I’m getting out the sledgehammer.” Sure enough, he did find some of our treasures that we left.

My mom went to the garage sale the next day, just to see that house one last time. She brought home those treasures from the garage sale. She said, “Pam, this was yours. I thought you might want it.” As soon as my mom left the house, that went in the trash outside. It never entered my house. I wanted to be on guard.

Nancy: Yes. The amazing thing to me is how did those people live there, knowing that this demonic activity is there? You would have thought that they would have brought in some elders and prayed over the house and cast out those demonic spirits. I couldn’t live there, knowing that was happening.

Pam: Yeah, I think maybe we sometimes aren’t knowledgeable of how to fight the enemy in that way.

Nancy: Yes, I just couldn’t live under that at all. In fact, doesn’t it show you that if you're moving into a new house, that you maybe have bought from someone (we often don’t know what has gone on in houses, do we?) I think that every home that people buy that people have lived in before, unless they’ve known the people, if they haven’t known who lived there, they do need to pray over the house. Go into every room and pray over it. Bring in folk from the church to pray with them.

I do believe it’s very important that we do that, because especially, there are all kinds of things going on in homes. You want your home to be completely free of any enemy activity and filled with the presence of God. That amazes me that they actually even survived it. I’m so glad to hear it was bulldozed down!

Pam: I know! And it affirmed for me things that, as a child, you get further away from the situation, and you wonder, “Did that really happen? Was that my memory or did I make that up?” Some of the conversations I was able to have with them (we’re friends on Facebook now) affirmed that these things did happen. But God is greater, and He has redeemed my life. I say that He has lifted me up out of a miry pit and set my feet on solid ground, so I praise God for that.

Nancy: Yes, I love that Scripture in Psalm 40:1-3. Such a wonderful testimony. “I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, (wow, an horrible pit) out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.” Amen.

That’s your testimony, isn’t it? OK, that’s your testimony, Pam, but what’s the testimony of your siblings? How did that delusional lifestyle affect them?

Pam: Well, it’s still playing out. The things that happened to us, and around us in our childhood still affect our lives. My sister is a lesbian. She is currently divorced from her wife. They had some children through donors, so they have a few. That’s part of her story. That’s probably the part that I can tell, right?

Then my brother is younger than me. He has always dealt with a lot of mental illness, and, I think, demonic oppression. I think I was the one who was pulling my hands back from that Ouija board in those early days. The Lord somehow prompted me to step away and to be fearful from that. I don’t know that that was the case for my siblings.

My brother battled a lot of mental health issues. I didn’t find out until well into my adult years that my dad was bipolar. My brother struggled with some of that as well. We can have a conversation of, is it only a spiritual issue? Is it a physiological issue? I don’t know. But I know that there was a place where the enemy was able to take a foothold. Our home was not protected.

You have that study guide about Nehemiah and the walls of your home and protecting the walls of our home. (GATEKEEPERS OF THE HOME). We are the ones who set that standard and allow things in, or don’t allow things in. I see that that security was breached in our childhood. I am thankful that the Lord had His hand on my life, but my sister has her own set of struggles. She’s, though ill, an ordained minister, which is an interesting . . .

Nancy: Yes. Tell about what your father did. An ordained minister but walking in unrighteousness.

Pam: Correct. Correct. And my brother continued to be tormented and be a tormentor, actually. He lived with my mom for decades, I think. At least 15, 20 years after my dad passed away at the young age of 54. Recently, my brother finally took his own life. So, this is the legacy. But again, I’m thankful.

Nancy: And here you are, in the middle of this, coming forth triumphant, and walking in the ways of the Lord. It’s just amazing. But I think you were soft toward the Lord, and as He wooed you, you responded, didn’t you?

Pam: Yes.

Nancy: Yes, because you could have easily gone that other way, like your siblings. They responded to the other side. You responded to the Lord.

Pam: Absolutely. You know, we hear a lot of people talk about church hurt, and all the things that churches have done wrong, that believers have done wrong. But I am one of those people who, when I started going to church at the age of 15, my youth pastor and all of the youth leaders, the youth pastor’s wife, they all took me in. Not physically. I didn’t live with them, but they breathed life into me.

They taught me the Word of God. They taught me about prayer. They created a community around me that filled my emotional needs and gave me security. They kept pointing me to Jesus. I see that as something that started then. It has really continued for the rest of my life. I have been supported by people who love the Lord, and who continually point me towards Him, and teach me about Him.

When I was a young mom, I thought, “I don’t know how to do this mom thing! I know the results that I want are different than what I experienced, but I don’t know how to do it.” Then I got that Above Rubies magazine and found The Power of Motherhood. I can’t say that I did everything perfectly, right? We’re all learning. We’re all under refinement. I’m still under refinement. But I see how the Lord has placed people and His Word in my life, to teach me along the way.

Nancy: Yes. And I’m sure the fact that because you were in that environment, you met a godly young man and married him. What a blessing that is too, because you married into a godly family, and that was a wonderful support to you too, wasn’t it?

Pam: Absolutely. Absolutely. Even when we met, I thought, “How can he marry me? Does he not know? He doesn’t know what I came from, and who I am.” I think at that point, I didn’t even know, really, who I was, or what I came from. I just knew that I was different. The girl from the other side of the tracks.

But yet, his family welcomed me and accepted me. I learned so many, many things. Even basic practical things which we, as mamas, it’s helpful to have someone teach us how to can. A little bit about gardening. What to do when the little one’s having a temper tantrum. I’ve learned so much from my husband’s family, and then the resources that you put out, and that I’ve found along the way.

Nancy: Yes, yes, absolutely. And The Power of Motherhood is still going, praise the Lord! I revamped it a few years ago. I’m sure you’ve already got it, but if you haven’t, I think it’s a manual that every mother needs, just to help them along the way, and encourage them that what they’re doing is God’s plan, that they’re in the perfect will of God.

The fact you were able, from the beginning . . .  I don’t think you set out to have as many children as you have, but God revealed that truth to you along the way too. Motherhood, as I was saying in our last session, it is a powerful thing; that motherhood is sozo. It saves us. We are saved through the embracing of children, and mothering, and nurturing them.

We’re saved, not just physically, because, yes, it’s amazing how even pregnancy can save you physically. Many people have been saved from many physical ailments through pregnancy. But we are saved emotionally from deception. I think that’s one of the biggest things. We’re saved from deception.

When you think of the road you could have gone down, but instead you embraced motherhood, and it forced you into that kingdom of truth and God’s kingdom. Because God’s kingdom is a kingdom of the blessing of children.

When you think of what Jesus said when the people were bringing the little children to Jesus, and the disciples, a young disciple said “Oh, goodness me! Jesus is too busy for all these little children hanging around Him!” But Jesus was very irate! He said, “Don’t you stop bringing those children! Let the little children come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Yes, we want to be in the kingdom, we want to serve in the kingdom, we want to live in the kingdom. Well, children are part of His kingdom. Very much. So, as you were embracing children, you were saved from deception. Of course, you continued walking and moving in truth. You were always searching for truth. You were always one who wanted to find the truth.

Pam: I think that’s the nature of the parenting cycle and the years where we’re in seasons. We’re like, “OK, what do I need to learn now? What do I need to learn now?” I just want to speak to the mama who is new in her faith, and says, “I don’t have the tools to teach my children this. I wasn’t raised in it. I don’t know what to do.”

It’s OK. I wasn’t either. I started picking up those little children’s Bible story books and doing children’s (I didn’t let on that I have no idea what I’m telling you). I would read it, in faith that the Lord was teaching them and me. We started doing family worship as our children got a little older and they learned so much.

Really now, even, they have so much greater knowledge of the Word than I do, because they’ve had it thrown into them from their youth. Sometimes my knees knock a little bit. “I don’t really know what to say. I don’t really have that much Bible knowledge. My children have more knowledge than I do.” But the Lord, He has been so good to teach me, and to disciple me along the way. His nearness, His presence is with me.

Nancy: Yes, I think that’s a wonderful thing. We can change the whole direction of generations. This is so powerful! You have changed the generation where you grew up. It was going one way, but you have, as you have embraced the Lord, embraced His truth, and walked in obedience to it, you have changed that.

And your children, your generation, are now going a different way. They’re going God’s way. It’s so powerful, and it’s not just for now. But it’s the next generation, and you've now got grandchildren. And you’re beginning . . . there’s going to many, many more to come. Wow! That’s another generation! And you’ll most probably live, like I am now, into the next generation of great-grandchildren. It’s amazing how you can see generations in your own lifetime, isn’t it?

Pam: And we can’t expect perfection, right? But while I was raising my (and I’m still raising children), my youngest is 11. But in those early days, I would think, “I can’t be the perfect mother. My mother-in-law was the perfect mother. Nancy’s the perfect mother, and there are so many people who have it all right. They came from such good situations. I just can’t do it.”

I would go, “No, I’m going to be faithful to what God has called me, and what He’s showing me. I’m going to trust Him for the results. I’m going to keep sowing into my children what He is teaching me.” I just pray that the Lord will move in that and that I will be a better mother than my mother. Then my daughter will be a better mother than I am. That we keep thinking generationally, to pour into them, and then allow the Lord to create an overflow for the next generation and the next.

Nancy: I guess you can look at Emma and see what a beautiful mother she is. She’s not having to start from where you started. She’s starting from, oh, such a greater level, isn’t she?

Pam: Right. Right. And so, if we can give our children that, what a gift.

Nancy: Yes, yes. So amazing. I think that the power of generations is so important. In fact, I think if we’re mothering, we have to think generationally. Sometimes, dear mothers, oh goodness me, you wonder how you're going to get through just this day! But it’s only for a day. Just a day in the life of generations. We’ve got to see the bigger picture and that you are mothering not just for today.

Oh goodness me, you're going to fail. We all fail. I can remember times when raising our children thinking, “Oh, what a failure! Oh!” But you can’t think like that, because what does the Bible say? “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be cast down.” (Psalm 37:23)

The thing is, as we’re walking in the steps of the Lord, we’re still going to fall. We’re still going to fail. But we won’t be cast down because He will lift us up! “Come on! Keep going! There’s a bigger picture! Yes, you’re not just mothering for today! Wow! There’s a new generation! You are building into a new generation. You are building God’s truth into them and His ways! That’s a new generation, and they’re going to carry it on to their generation!”

It’s so powerful. We, as mothers, have such power. That’s why I called that book The Power of Motherhood. Yes, motherhood is not insignificant. It is powerful and the devil knows it. That’s why he tries to eradicate it, tries to do away with it, tries to woo women out of the home, because if he can get women out of the home, he is destroying motherhood, because MOTHERHOOD AND THE HOME ARE SYNONYMOUS TERMS. Motherhood happens in the home. That’s where it happens.

If we are truly mothering, we’ll be in the home because that’s what God planned. He provided the home right back in the beginning. God created the home. In fact, He didn’t even create the woman until He had created the home, so it was ready for her. She woke up to life in the very sphere where God wanted her to be, in the home, and mothering children, and mothering generations to come! Amen!

Pam: The enemy tries a lot of ways to assail us. and quiet us, and to make us ineffective. I chatted with a gal on my podcast, and she talked about that verse, that we’ll overcome by the power of His blood and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11).

I know I’m not the only one who has come from a difficult circumstance. I think we need to remember to not live in that same place, and not try to hide it under the carpet; but to really share and declare what God has done in our lives. When we acknowledge what He’s done, and the power to change our lives and the lives of those around us, it sets the enemy back a little bit instead of him setting us back.

Nancy: You were saying before, you don’t define your life by your past. No, you define it who you are in Christ now. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27) When He is in us, He is in us with everything that He is. That’s our victory. That’s our deliverance, isn’t it?

Pam: That was something very practical you taught me at one of these retreats, a decade ago, maybe more. I was so frustrated. I had so much anxiety and was so impatient. Now I can see that it was probably a result of so much that I was going through, subconsciously, from my childhood.

But you stood there at a retreat, and you said, “Does Christ live in you?” I said, “Well, yes.” And you said, “Then you rely on His patience. You don’t have to be patient! You ask Him to fill you with His patience.” I remember standing there dumbfounded, thinking, “I can do that? I can do that?” Nancy, you tell us that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? He lives in us.

Nancy: Amen! Exactly. And actually, that very revelation revolutionized my own life as a mother. I started off as a mother, well, young, and kind of immature. I lived by my feelings. You can feel great some days, and other days bad. You’re a failure, and you're hopeless, and you're no good.

But no, we do not live our lives by our feelings, but by the truth of the Word of God. And that revelation came from a Scripture in Philemon 1:6: “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” So, every good thing that’s in Jesus is in me if Christ dwells in me. Therefore, I have no excuse.

As you’re saying, help, if we’re just starting to get impatient and mad with everything that’s going on, and ready to blow our tops, well, we can do one of two things. One, just give into those emotions or, “Oh, Christ lives in me, He is all long-suffering. He is patient. Wow! So, thank You Lord. Thank You for Your patience. Thank You that I’m the most patient woman in my city because you live in me!”

Yes, and every need that we have, whatever it is . . . you know, we’re in depression and self-pity but Christ does not dwell in self-pity. No, He lives in joy. And I have joy if Christ is in me, so I can live in joy. Yes, we choose to live in the truth rather than in the flesh.

I found that revolutionary and I began to live that way. But you still fall, until it gradually becomes the habit of your life. Yes.

2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” That’s the Word of the Lord! That’s truth! So, we stand on it, don’t we?

Pam: That is what I remember learning very early in my faith walk. And then just being reminded of that over and over. That’s the way it was. It’s not the way it has to be. The Lord has new stories for us. He changes our lives and transforms us. We need to step into that and listen to Him and follow that. I find that He has ministered to me through books, through podcasts, through people, in person and online.

I look back, and I see this amazing past, that there’s been all these stops along the way. It makes me giddy, where I’m just like, “Go, God! I see it now! I see what You did. I see how You had Your hand on my life. You protected me and guided me. Yeah, there may have been some bad things that happened. The circumstances weren’t great, but I see Your sovereignty in what You’ve done. I give You glory for what You have done in my life and to lead me into this place that I am now.”

Nancy: Yes, yes. I was just thinking, yesterday, when we were talking with Wes. That’s our oldest son. He was sharing something very traumatic that he had to go through in his life. I remember him saying that he would never have not gone through it because it’s made him what he is today. He couldn’t be the man that he is today unless he had to go through those things.

Pam: As Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth says, I don’t know the exact words, something like, “Anything that forces me to lean into God more, that’s a blessing!” That is something that we need to learn, to depend on the Lord, and to lean into Him. I saw that in my childhood. I was in circumstances where all I could do was to reach out to Him. So, I’m so thankful.

Nancy: Yes, yes. I also believe that if you have . . . Maybe you’ve been listening to Pam these last two sessions. Maybe you have come from, not the same circumstances, but also difficult circumstances or childhood in other areas, or maybe even the same area, even suffered abuse, which you didn’t mention. You did suffer abuse also from the hands of your father. Pam has been through that. She didn’t even mention that.

I think when you come to Christ, I believe when you’ve come from something traumatic, you can’t be a fence sitter. You’ve got to go all the way with God. I remember, when I was back in New Zealand, I met this woman. I found out she was living in the gay lifestyle. I continued to pursue and talk to her. She wondrously was converted. Wondrously converted.

A few months ago, I was talking with her on the phone again in New Zealand. This happened years ago, and she is still walking with the Lord today. But after her incredible conversion, she shared with me. She said, “Nancy, I can never be on the fence. I have to go all the way with God.” She had to do a 180 turnaround. She came to such a place of victory.

I can remember her sharing with me, “Nancy, I have now such victory that I am not even tempted in my mind.” But that was because she chose God with all her heart. I just want to say that today, because if you are going to sit on the fence, or on the border, you’ll never have full victory. We only have full victory when we go all the way with God.

It brings me back to that principle back in Exodus, yes, because we get so many of the principles of our Christian life back in Genesis and Exodus. This was when the children of Israel were coming out of Egypt. God was doing mighty, wonderful things. But He had told Moses, “OK, when you come out of Egypt, you’ve got to bring those children of Israel out of Egypt and come a three-day journey into the wilderness.”

We see, if you go back, and look and read about that, you will find that Pharoah is a type of Satan who tempts us. Pharoah did everything in his power to keep the Israelites in Egypt. He used compromises. There were four compromises that he used to get Moses to keep the children of Israel in Egypt. “Oh, well, you can just sacrifice to the Lord, but only the men go. Leave the children.” “No,” said Moses. We are going with all our families.”

Then Pharoah said, “Well, don’t go too far away. You can go and do it but just on the border. Just over the border.” “No,” says Moses, “God has told us, a three-day gap.” So, he went on for those four compromises. But the big thing that came out was it had to be the three-day gap, the three-day journey. That’s a long way out of Egypt, when you are walking for three days with all these millions of people. That is the type.

When we come out of the old life, the old kingdom, we come into this new kingdom. We do not stay on the border. We have to come right into this kingdom. We get a three-day journey away from the border. If you can take that, if we do that with every decision in life, everything in life, we’re going to have a three-day gap, a three-day border away from the kingdom of darkness, away from Egypt, which is a type of the flesh, and of the kingdom of darkness.

Today, so many Christians want to just say, “Oh, yes. We’re born again.” But they are so close to the world, so close to the border. They will never live in victory. You do not live in victory unless you make the gap.

Pam: Go all in. No turning back.

Nancy: Amen. Absolutely. You did that and you came into victory. Now you're living this victorious, beautiful life. Amen.

As we close, I want to remind you again that Pam has her own podcast, “The Mom Next Door,” where she interviews women who have gone through all kinds of things in their lives, that they’ve come through with the Lord and have seen great, wonderful blessings. You’ll love that podcast. Then what else do you have? Tell them all your other things.

Pam: I’m on Instagram, as you are, Nancy. My Instagram handle is @TendingFields. We’re all tending the fields of our homes, our marriages, our families, our finances, ministry, all those. We want to tend our fields right well.

Nancy: What a great name, “Tending Fields,” because your last name is Fields. You’re tending to your fields first, and now as an older mother, you are tending to many other fields and blessing them.

Pam: Yes, and I want to invite all of us to tend our fields well, with the strength that God gives us. I’m on Instagram with that name, and then I also have a Facebook page, a Facebook group called “Tending Fields.” We enjoy the community there in that group, where we can pray for each other, chat about some of the practical aspects of life and motherhood. It’s a great place to be, so maybe you ladies can join me over there.

Nancy: So, you can check those things out. And, Pam, why don’t you pray today as we close?

Pam: “Lord Jesus, I do thank You for this opportunity to share. Your Word tells us to tell our testimony, to share it to the next generation of the things that You have done, Lord. Each one of us has a testimony. Each one of us has transformation in our lives. Lord, I pray for boldness, for each one of us to go share what You have done.

“And Lord, for women who are struggling, and feeling like they’re in the pits right now, Lord, I pray that You would direct their minds to You. That You would bring Scripture to their hearts and minister to them in their time of need, and sometimes desperation. We know that You can do this. You have the power to change lives, to transform them, Lord, whatever their situation is right now. I ask that You intervene, and You uphold them, and You protect them, and You lead them into victory.

“So, Lord, I pray for them today, and that they would step into it, where You have called them. And I thank You for the faithfulness of this ministry of Above Rubies and the Campbells. I thank You that You have blessed their ministry. I pray that You continue to do that. Thank You, Lord, for this time, and this podcast, and that Your Word is going out. We praise You for that. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Nancy: Amen!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies”




What the Bible Says About You as a Mother

By Nancy Campbell

I believe that one of the greatest challenges of young mothers today is that they are isolated. They are all on their own as they stay home to care for their precious children. I believe that every mother needs the support of older mothers, sisters, and friends around them. They need one another for friendship and fellowship. It lightens the load of motherhood. When raising our children in New Zealand I always conducted a Ladies’ Bible Study in my home and the fellowship, togetherness, and hospitality strengthened us all in our great role of parenting.

We shared our hearts, our failures, and our victories together. We opened our homes in hospitality to one another. We enjoyed luncheons together. Picnics together. We planned all kinds of functions with our babies and all our children running around. Even if it was chaos, we were happy because we weren’t doing it on our own.

I only wished that I had the book, THE POWER OF MOTHERHOOD back then! In the end, I had to write it myself! But now it is available for you. I believe every mother needs this manual which tells you what God says about you as a mother, not what society tells you! You will be encouraged, uplifted, and inspired to new heights of motherhood. It is a great foundation for a mother’s Bible study group from which you can discuss together all the questions about motherhood.


There are questions at the end of each chapter (which you can use personally in your own study) but are geared for mother’s groups. And it is much more fun to get together and discuss.

Of course, you will love this book PERSONALLY as well.

Retail price: $18.95.

P.S. If you are planning to use it as a Bible Study for ladies and need multiple copies, call the office at 931 729 9861. You can receive 40 percent discount if purchasing 10 or more copies. 


This is such a great study for mothers (which you can also enjoy personally or as a mothers’ Bible study course).



How to Guard Your Home

By Nancy Campbell

Learn how to guard your home from the temptations of the devil who is always looking for a way to creep into our homes.

This book comes from Nehemiah, chapter 3 where Nehemiah restored and built up the gates and walls of Jerusalem. There were 12 gates in Jerusalem at that time and each one was called a specific name. The names of these gates relate to our homes today and we discover how to strengthen and build up the bars and gates of our homes. We are the watchwomen of the home.

Retails at $14.95.


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