Life To The Full Podcast




FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

Episode 74: The Glory of Womanhood (Part 7)

Rocky Barrett: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello ladies, wonderful to be with you again. We are continuing our series of The Glory of Womanhood.

Today I want to talk about a Scripture where God says that He wants to fill the whole earth with His glory.

We go to Numbers 14:21 and it says here: But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.”

Now this is in the context of when Moses has sent the twelve spies into Canaan to spy out the land. They came back sharing what an amazing land it was. It was a land filled with milk and honey, but they also saw giants there and they were scared and afraid.

Ten spies brought back an evil report. In fact, the Bible actually uses the word “slander.” That is very interesting— they brought back a slander upon the land! It was the land that God had promised to them, but they had slandered the land.

Of course we know there were only two people, two men, Joshua and Caleb who said, “We can go in! God is with us!”

God was so disappointed. He could not believe that they wouldn’t trust Him after all they had seen Him do. How He had delivered them from Egypt and how He had shown His mighty right arm and brought them through the red sea and done great miracles.

And now they still could not trust Him, and He said to Moses, “I’m just going to do away with all these people. I’m going to start again with you.”

Moses interceded for the people and said, “Oh no, God, if You do that all the people who have seen Your power will say ‘Oh no, He couldn’t do it.’”

Any way, He brought judgment on the children of Israel and said that all those 20 years of age and up could not go into that Promised Land. They would die in that wilderness and it would be their sons and daughters who could go in. Then He concluded with these words: But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.”

We see these words written in other passages, too.

Psalm 72:19 and the psalmist praised Him here saying: And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.” I’m not just saying that [amen], that’s the Scripture!

Again in Habakkuk 2:14 the words say: “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

What is this glory? Is it kind of beautiful clouds floating around with the colors of the rainbow and the glory of God upon them?

No. God is speaking about people here. People are His glory. His creation, male and female that He created, they are His glory. They are the reflection of His image. They are to reveal Who He is and His likeness in the world.

Because His people whom He had gathered (He was making a people, His very own people who would reveal Himself to all the other nations around), now they couldn’t even believe Him. They could not even trust Him. And so He had to bring judgment upon them.

But He said, “There will come a time, it will happen, when the glory of the Lord will not only fill the land of Canaan, but it will fill the whole earth.” And God was speaking of a time when His people would fill the earth with His glory.

We can go over even to the New Testament. In fact, I was just reading this passage this morning, Ephesians chapter one. I noticed that in this chapter the word glory is mentioned five times.

We look at verses 5-6: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

He is saying here that we, His people, His redeemed people, are to be to the praise of His glory. That’s what He wants us to do. He wants us to reflect His glory and as we do, we are praising His glory.

We go down to verse 12. Here it says it again: “That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.”

I love the Amplified Classic translation of that verse. There are two Amplified versions of the Bible, did you know that? One is called “The Amplified” and one is called “The Amplified Classic.”

Here it says that we “have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of His glory!”

Isn’t that wonderful? That’s what you’re doing today, dear precious mother, dear precious wife, in your home. You are living to the praise of His glory.

As you allow Christ to live His life in you and through you to your husband, to your children, to those you meet each day, you are bringing glory to the Lord as you embrace who He created you to be as a female.

Don’t resist that but embrace who you are and live it to the full. You are being a praise to His glory for this is how He made you and this is how you will bring glory to Him.

We go down to verse 14: “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”

We read it again.

Would you listen as I read verses 17-23? I want to actually speak about verse 23, but these words are so incredible that I want to read them to you. It’s just the Scripture, it’s not what I’m saying. In fact, you’re going to get more out of hearing God’s living Word more than what I say.

So as I read these wonderful words from God’s living Word, let them go into you and seep into your being. Embrace them into your whole being. Not just your mind and your heart, but your whole body. Let them just take it in.

That’s how we should read the Word, isn’t it? Not just read it on the surface and say, “Oh well, I better do my Bible reading for the day” and we read it and we hardly know what we’ve read. But no, it’s so good when we open our ears, eyes, and hearts and our whole beings and say, “Oh God, I want to take it in and let it seep into my very being.”

So from verse 17 it says: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory [there’s the word glory again. He’s the Father of glory], may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what [what? What does He want us to know? That ye may know what . . .] is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints [oh, that is His glory: what He sees of Christ in us, His children whom He has redeemed with His precious blood], and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places . . .”

By the way, we are there with Christ now if we are born again. The Bible says that we not only died with Christ, we were raised with Christ, and now we’re seated with Christ in heavenly places. It tells us about that in chapter two of Ephesians. And there we are . . .

“Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.”

See, God wants to fill the earth with His glory, and He is going to do that with His people.

He wanted to do that back when He raised up the Israelites. They were His people He wanted to show forth to the nations all around His glory through them. Of course they sinned and turned away from Him, but of course we know the glorious story of the Bible where Jesus came.

He came to lay down His life and redeem us so that, as it says in Hebrew 2:10: “For it became him [Jesus], for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain [or the leader and chief] of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”

We see there in that Scripture how that Jesus came. He not only came to die to save us from our sins, but to redeem us to Himself and to give us the hope of what He is doing now in preparing us a place in eternity.

He wants to bring many sons into glory. That is His purpose. Oh, He came to redeem many sons to fill eternity, to fill His glorious eternal home with redeemed sons and daughters, redeemed by the blood of Jesus.

As we read these Scriptures, we are seeing the two commissions that God has given.

He gave the first commission in the very beginning: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”

That was the very first commission God ever gave to man. They were the very first words He ever said to mankind.

But then we go over to the New Testament and we have a second commission. It’s called the Great Commission where we are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, discipling them and baptizing them in the name of Jesus. That’s called the Great Commission.

There are some people who say, “Well, you know, all we need to do today is the great commission. God’s not really interested in actual children today.”

You know, there are still many Christian people today who still believe in limiting their families.

You perhaps say something to them, and they say, “God’s not interested in the natural children. Now we’re in the New Testament and He is only interested in spiritual children and bringing people into the Kingdom of God.”

Well I believe in that with all my heart and that is the Great Commission for each one of us, even us wives and mothers, in our homes.

We go out and we meet so many people as we go out into the supermarket and roundabout with our children doing this and that. We are to be witnesses wherever we go, through our lives, through our tongues, speaking His truth, His Gospel and His Word. Yes, yes, yes!

But that doesn’t negate the first commission. In fact, if we negate the first commission, we’re going to have fewer souls to win to Jesus!

In fact, this is the thing: the more children that we have in our families means the more witnesses we are raising for Jesus. So we are not only bringing more natural children into the world, but we’re going to bring more spiritual children into the world. As our children grow up and go out and are witnesses to Jesus, they are going to impact more and more children.

Both commissions are so important. God wants the natural children to be brought into the world so that they can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus and become His spiritual children. That’s how it works.

We see this Scripture here how He wants the whole earth filled with His glory. That word glory is the word kabod.

We’ve talked about that glorious word kabod that God uses when He is speaking about women. But it is mostly used of God Himself. He is the God of glory, the Father of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory, the Holy Spirit of glory. He also wants His glory to be revealed in us.

Let’s go on to some other Scriptures, shall we?

I mentioned Genesis 1:28 where it says: “ . . . Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish [fill] the earth . . ..”

Let’s look at those words:

“Be fruitful” is the Hebrew word parah and means: “to increase.” Increase. It doesn’t mean just stop. It means INCREASE. Remember, this is the very first commission God ever gave, the very first words God ever gave to man: “Be fruitful.” So we are to increase.

“Multiply.” That is the Hebrew word rabah meaning “abundance, exceedingly, make great, more and more.”

Then “To fill the earth,” that is the word male. It just means “to fill to overflowing.”

What we’re really going to talk about today is the glory of the Lord is filling to overflowing. We’re going to see where these words are used in the Bible. He wants the glory of the Lord to fill the earth.

Here in Genesis 1:28 He says, “I want you to fill the earth.” What are we to fill the earth with? Not inanimate things, no! We are to fill the earth with people. With babies, with children, with people who grow up to reveal the image of God in the world, especially as they grow up in godly homes.

As your precious children grow up in your home and you are raising them in the ways of God and you’re filling them with His Word, as you do this they are getting filled with Jesus, filled with His Word, filled with His truth, they will reveal His glory.

We go over to Genesis chapter 9:1. This now is after the flood and after God wiped out all mankind because of their sin. He had only saved Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives.

He came again and He said these words again. This time He repeated them two times. He didn’t just say it once, but He repeated it twice. And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.”

What does it mean? It means: “fill to overflowing.” This time God, to make sure they got the message, He spoke this first command He had ever given to mankind two times.

Actually, if we just look at that a little closer in Genesis chapter nine, He goes on and makes something even clearer. In verse three He talks about how the fish and the clean animals could be food for them.

Verses 4-7 says: But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.”

He’s not only saying this a second time, but He’s saying the words a second time as He reiterates this.

Why is He saying this? He said: “For in the image of God I created you.”

This is why every person that comes into the world is sacred. Every new conceived human being is sacred. Every new conception is a person from that moment. God says that their life will be required.

Life is sacred to God because life is being created in the image of God. God wants His image revealed on the earth.

This is His glory and He wants His glory to fill the earth.

Now we know that every person who is conceived and grows in the womb and is born is created in the image of God. There is a light of God that God puts in every new creation. Sadly in homes where they do not love God and they may be even atheistic or antagonistic toward God that light can be dimmed. That child therefore doesn’t grow up with the knowledge of God.

But they still have opportunity. God is over all and in some miraculous way God moves and works and that person can be born again. We know of great, glorious redemptions of people who have grown up in terrible, antagonistic toward God and atheistic homes and God has redeemed them by His precious blood.

But oh, how glorious it is for children to grow up in homes where God is loved, and His ways are taught. This is so strong on the heart of God.

We talked just recently on a podcast how God says in Micah 2:9, “Oh, you have taken children, My children, out of the home. You have taken them away from Me and you’ve put them with pagans.”

You see, God wants His children raised in godly homes learning about Him.

Every single child is sacred, and everyone has that opportunity. Yes, more so in a Christian, godly home, but by the moving of the Holy Spirit others can come to know Christ and become sons of God. Amen?

There we see it all reiterated.

So precious ladies, God wants to see our homes filled with children. He loves to see our homes filled with children. It’s sad that there are many homes in our nation today that have more TV’s than they have children. Often, they’re just filled with material possessions and often just one or two children.

I was recently reading some recent statistics, the National Center for Health statistics. The latest I read was from 2018.

The 2018 birth rate for the US had fallen to 59 births per one thousand women during the ages of 15-44 years. That is the lowest birth rate ever recorded in US history.

Now ladies, isn’t that sad? I mean, here we leave in this affluent society. We are more affluent today than in any other time. I think this generation today has no idea of the affluence in which they live.

I grew up in New Zealand, an affluent country just like the US, but our lifestyle was so different than it is today. I think even grandparents today, their lifestyle was more different than it is today.

I thought when I grew up that we were rich. We had everything we needed! But we didn’t have what we have today.

I mean I can remember Christmas time. Oh, I couldn’t wait for Christmas. In my little stocking, well my parents would put up a pillowcase. We didn’t believe in Father Christmas, but my parents still just did this for fun.

We’d wake up in the morning, and we knew that it was mummy and daddy who had filled our little pillowcase with things.

If I got an orange, an ORANGE, ladies, in my pillowcase I couldn’t believe it. It was so exciting. Back then if you got an orange— wow! I mean if you grew them on the tree that was great. But to buy them in the shops out of season, you didn’t do that because back then, of course, we didn’t have all the refrigeration or all the deep freezers. So you only ate what was in season. You didn’t have anything out of season. This generation doesn’t know how to live like that.

They can have anything they want from any season and from any country of the world. You just go down to the supermarket and buy it.

You didn’t just go out and buy new clothes. You made your clothes. Today of course it’s just about cheaper to buy your own clothes rather than make them.

This was back in these days. You lived so frugally. Even now I absolutely cannot stand to throw out food. I have to eat it.

When we have our big family gatherings and all the children are there for Thanksgiving and Christmas and other big celebrations, we have all this food laid out. It’s like a feast.

Then I will say to all the children, “Now children, just take what you can eat. You’re so welcome to come back for more. But don’t take more than you can eat because Nana’s not going to be very pleased if you leave food on your plate.”

So I give my little lecture every celebration. But sadly every celebration I go around, I am collecting the plates and there is still food left on the plates.

I feel so sad to throw away this food, beautiful lamb and turkey and chicken, all good food. It’s just as well we have some dogs we can give it to.

But that is so sad. Today I notice how most Americans eat. They fill their plate and then just leave half of it and throw it out like it’s nothing, just nothing! Oh, goodness me! Oh! it doesn’t matter!

They have never known what it’s like to have just enough money to survive and you eat what’s on your plate. In fact, back in those days if you didn’t eat it, it was put away and you ate it for the next meal. It was never thrown away.

It’s just a different generation.

But in this affluent generation, what are the birth statistics? We are the lowest birth rate in history. How can that be when our forefathers struggled? They didn’t have what we have today. But they had children.

What is it? What has happened? And yet, especially us who are God’s people, who say we’re “people of the Book.” Who say we believe God’s Word and His very first command is “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth to overflowing.”

And we can only have our 1.7 children. That’s what the statistic is, it’s 1.7 per family. That is not enough to replace the next generation.

That’s why we have to bring in all this immigration and of course who is coming in but all the Islamics? They’re bringing in a different culture and a different religion than how this country began. It’s all because we will not have our own children.

We see what’s happening in other countries. We know the one child policy of China (which I think they’ve just changed to two just recently). The statistics are that by the year 2030 there will be 30 million more men of marrying age than women of marrying age.

This is because they have done selective abortion and they have only been allowed to have one child for years and   they therefore would abort the daughters. You can hardly take that in.

What about India? In India there is a study by The Population Research Center. They have discovered that one in ten of every ten men in India will never have been married by the time they have turned 50 years of age because there are no women to marry.

All of this is because we have become a selfish people. We want more material things in our homes than we want children. Isn’t that amazing? Oh goodness me!

We will see just a few little Scriptures as I finish this session. We go to Ezekiel 36. This is a glorious chapter! Oh, I love this chapter of the Bible, ladies.  It’s a chapter speaking of God’s prophetic word to the children of Israel coming back to the land.

We know how God spewed them out of the land because they began to do these wicked sins like the people of Canaan whom God told them to wipe out because of their sin. Now they began to rebel against Him. Eventually God just scattered them across the face of the world.

God is a covenant-keeping God and although He had to bring judgment upon them, He will never break His covenant with Israel. The Word of God is filled with promises of how He will bring them back to the land.

In fact there’s an article on my webpage called “Israel and the Land.” Just go to website and search under my articles and type in “Israel.” Actually, here is the link:

It gives all the promises written out under different headings. It has all the promises of how He has promised to bring them back. We are living in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy right now and have been for so many years! God has been bringing back His people to the land. It is so incredible! How can anyone not believe the Word of God? How can anyone not believe in God when we are living in the middle of prophetic prophecy coming to pass?

Anyway, Ezekiel 36 is amazing. You need to read it sometime how God says: “Prophecy.” He doesn’t say “Prophecy to people” He says: “Prophecy to the land. Yes, prophecy to the land, to the hills, to the mountains, to the rivers, to the hills, to the valleys, to the desolate places and to the cities that have been forsaken. “ He says they’re to prophecy to this land. You’ve got to speak to this land that it will bring forth fruit for my people who are coming back.

I have seen this with my very eyes as I have visited Israel.

This chapter is specifically speaking about the West Bank, the heartland of Israel and the mountains of Israel. I’ve been out there to those mountains and they are so barren and desolate. It’s just like stones and dirt.

And yet when they begin to plant the vineyards and other things in that land, they just grow! They grow out of dirt! I mean, everything grows out of dirt, but this is just stones and barren dirt. It doesn’t even look like rich, lush soil there because there is not rich, lush soil there.

But because of the prophetic Word of the Lord it just grows, and these glorious vineyards are just growing. God said He’s going to do it.

He also said in verses 37-38: Thus saith the Lord  God; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock. As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I am the Lord.”

God is prophetically speaking, and it’s happening right now: this heartland of Israel and all over Israel is being filled, not only with crops and becoming like the garden of Eden, but it’s being filled with flocks of men.

God wants to FILL. When He blesses, He fills. That’s the heart of God. When God said, “Be fruitful and multiply” He didn’t just say it. No! He did something before He said it.

What did He do? Do you know? Before God said those words, it says: “And God blessed them and said, Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth.”

When God came to Noah and his sons after the flood it says: “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.”

And as we read through Genesis and right throughout the Word, every time we read about God bringing forth a child or blessing them with family or multiplying them, it first says, “And God blessed them.”

God blesses to fill. God doesn’t want us to half fill. He wants us to fill to overflowing.

I’m going to talk more about this in our next session because there is so much more. 

Let’s pray.

“Dearest Father, we want to thank You for Your heart, for Your Word, for Your way.

“Forgive us, Lord, for being so ignorant of Your ways. Lord, we are Your people. Help us to be people who know You, who know Your Words, who know Your Book.

“Lord God, help us to be Your people who walk in truth and who walk in obedience to Your ways. Give us revelation and understanding and bless these lovely listeners today, Lord God.

“Bless their hearts, bless their families, bless their homes I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.”


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