God Affirms: We Affirm, Pt. 2, No. 327


"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless live: yet not I, but CHRIST LIVETH IN ME: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

Last week we talked about affirming who God created us to be physically. We must also affirm God's character in is.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, not only died to save us from the punishment of our sins, but to live in us in order to reveal the image of God to the world. The apex of Christianity is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27 and also Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18).

God does not intend you to live according to the dictates of your fleshly nature, but to yield to His life that dwells in you (Galatians 2:20). The understanding of this truth changes the way we live. It changes the atmosphere of our home.

As a young mother, I started off living according to my feelings. Sometimes I was up. Sometimes I was down. What an inferior way to live! Then I discovered the truth of Philemon v.6, "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus."

What does this really mean? When you invite Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord and to come and dwell in you by His Holy Spirit, He comes in (Revelation 3:20)! He doesn't come in as half of who He is, but all of who He is! That's amazing!

When Christ comes into your life, you have "EVERY GOOD THING" in you that is in Jesus. He doesn't give His patience to some people, but leave it out of you! He doesn't give His joy to some people, but leave it out of you. He is who He is and can be nothing less, and He lives in you!

This truth is astounding. It is life-changing. However, you will not experience it until you acknowledge it. Perhaps you have had a sleepless night with the baby or young children. You feel tired and lousy. If you make this your confession, you'll feel even worse. Instead, acknowledge that God is the strength of your life. "Thank you, Lord, that you live in me. I thank you for your divine strength which is strengthening me today." You'll be amazed how God will enable you to get through the day when you didn't think you could make it. (Of course, you'll try to take a little nap in the afternoon, if you can!)

There are times when the children get out of hand, you get angry with them, and start shouting. What are you doing? Giving into your frustration and fleshly anger. You don't have to do that--YOU ARE THE MOST PATIENT MOTHER LIVING IN YOUR CITY! I beg pardon, you reply! Yes, Christ lives in you, and there is no one filled with more with patience and longsuffering than Him. Acknowledge His longsuffering in you. "Thank you, for your patience, Lord. Thank you that I'm filled with patience because you live in me."

What will happen? You can now deal with the situation in a calm spirit. You can only do either of two things--scream and yell at your children, or acknowledge His longsuffering that is in you! One or the other! Which do you choose?

What about when you feel down in the dumps and full of self-pity? It doesn't take hard work to feel like that, does it? But that is the flesh. Is Christ full of self-pity? Is He disgruntled, complaining and morose? No. Joy is His character. Hebrews 1:9 tells us that He is filled with joy more than anyone else. And He lives in you. Start thanking Him for His joy that fills your life. Don't listen to those feelings. Keep confessing the joy and your feelings will soon catch up with your confession.

You must acknowledge Christ's life in you for it to become effectual. The word "effectual" is energes meaning, "active, operative, powerful." It is the same word "powerful," that is used to describe God's Word in Hebrews 4:12.

We don't have these wonderful attributes in our own flesh. We only have them because of the life of Christ that dwells in us. I think the saddest indictment to Christianity today is that we do not embrace the fullness of Christ's death upon the cross for us. He died to not only save us from our sin, but from our day to day fleshly nature by dwelling IN US! He wants us to exchange our fleshly life for His righteous, joyful, and restful life.

Which way are you living in your home today?



"I thank you so much, dear Lord, for the indwelling Holy Spirit in me. I thank you for Your life and character in me. Please help me today to yield to your life and not to my fleshly lusts. Amen."


Today I will continually affirm who Christ is in me, and not give into my deceiving feelings.

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