Christmas Thoughts From Nancy, No. 3, No. 308

MORE ABOUT SHEEP (continued)

“The shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger”
(Luke 2:15-16).

Jesus Wants His Sheep around Him

After the amazing experience of seeing the multitude of angels praising God, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see the Savior who had been born! “Let’s go!” they cried. Did they go alone? Oh no! The shepherds would not have left the sheep, vulnerable and alone, to be attacked by animals. In the Middle East the sheep always follow the shepherd as he leads them. They are inseparable. This is a true picture of Christ, the Good Shepherd, and we who are His sheep.

Nativity scenes often show one or two sheep, but there would actually have been many sheep around Jesus. Remember, it wasn’t only one shepherd, but a number of shepherds, each with their own flock. The sweet little DVD, The Very First Noel portrays the sheep following along after the shepherds as they go to find the Lamb of God. (It’s worth seeing).

As the sheep and the lambs surrounded the Lamb of God at His birth, so He still wants His sheep around Him. He loves His sheep. He wants them to be close enough to Him in order to hear His voice as He speaks to them.

Shepherds Lead their Sheep

Just as the Bethlehem shepherds led their sheep to Jesus, so as a mother shepherdess, we should also lead our flock to Jesus. This is the big question?

Am I leading my flock to Jesus?

Am I leading my children to Jesus by His character which they see in me? Am I truly showing them the way? Am I leading them to the Jesus of the Bible, rather than a Jesus of my own imagination?

God is Looking for Father and Mother Hearts

God wants mothers and fathers to have shepherd hearts. It is interesting that God chose a carpenter to be the earthly father of His son. Like the shepherds, carpenters were not on the highest rung of the career ladder. Joseph was a humble man, but the Bible says he was “righteous.” He also had a father’s heart. God would not have put His son into a family of a man who did not have a father’s heart. God was more interested in this quality than his profession. Now, in our 21st century, God is still looking for father hearts to father His sheep and lambs. This is more important to God than a high-powered career.

In fact, every aspect of Jesus’ birth was bathed in humility—his earthly parents, the place of His birth and his dedication where Joseph and Mary brought turtle doves because they could not afford a lamb. In the birth of Jesus, God revealed to us His true character. Although He is the God of the universe, King of kings and Lord of lords, He is not afraid to come to the lowest place to associate with and meet the needs of His created ones. Read Psalm 68:4-6; 107:41 and 113:4-9.

May this same spirit of humility be upon us at this season.

Gather the sheep and your lambs and lead them to Jesus. Gather them close around you and snuggle in close to your Shepherd.



“Great Shepherd of the sheep, please teach me how to be a true shepherd of the little flock you have given me. Help me to lead my flock to you. Help me to show them the way, and please help me to be true watchmen over them. Amen.”


 I’m a shepherd to my flock and a sheep to my Shepherd

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