I Beg Your Pardon!, No. 289



Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me, for whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8:34-35).


“I wish I had a life!” I have heard these words from more than one young mom recently.


“I beg your pardon? Did I hear you correctly?”


What kind of a life are you looking for, dear mother? A life that serves your own interests? A life of working for an earthly employee when you are employed by the God of the universe? Did you realize that God has employed you to raise your children for Him? Your children ultimately belong to Him. How sad God must be when mothers go AWOL and leave their high calling for some lesser career?


You say you no longer have a life! Did you realize that is a lie? Did you know that you create your own world right where you are? You have the power to make your marriage, mothering and home pulsate with life. It all depends on your attitude. If you think that mothering is insignificant, you’ll be frustrated. But when you realize you were born for this task, embrace it, and put your whole heart into it, you’ll never have another boring moment!


Are you nursing your young baby? What could be more powerful than giving life and nourishment to a God-given child and watching this child grow? When you nurse your baby at your breast you give more than milk; you nourish your child’s soul and spirit too. God says the words to you that were spoken to Moses’ mother, “Take this child and nurse him for me and I will give you your wages” (Exodus 2:9).


Do you have little ones you are seeking to train in the right direction? Or maybe you are homeschooling. This is real life. Of course, you’ll face problems and frustrations, but that’s life too. You’ll face challenges anywhere and in whatever career you choose. But in this great task of mothering, you are impacting a nation! You are molding children for eternity.


Are you still bored? Reach out in hospitality. You can be in full time work for God in your home. The home is the most exciting place. You can change the world from the heart of your home. All you have to do is forget about yourself and pour your life out for others.


Can I give you a challenge? Each new day, think of something new to make life exciting for your husband and for your children. Come on now! Don’t read any more until you stop and think about it. What are you going to do? Let your imagination run wild…

have you got the plan yet? Keep thinking until you get it. Now think about how you are going to put it into operation. Are you already anticipating an exciting evening with your husband?


Wow, you sure have a life! It is so exciting! You husband will be mesmerized! Your children are going to be happy all day. They won’t get bored and cranky because you will constantly be thinking of creative ideas. And you, well, you are never going to be bored again. You will tell the world about your great life in your home!


Think about other people you can encourage, too. There are other mothers who often feel discouraged like you do. Ask a mother and her children for lunch and think of a way you can do something special for her. In reaching out to her, you will forget about your own problems. I have always found that the best anti-dote to self-pity is to do something for someone else. It’s amazing how your own problems (or boredom) pale into insignificance.


Or, organize a picnic with some other mothers who live near you. Or, invite an older lonely person for a meal. Get your children practicing some poems or even Scriptures they have been learning to recite to her. And also get them to sing to her. You will bless her and your children will get blessed at the same time, too.


You do not find your life in trying to find yourself. You find your life in pouring your life out for others. This is when you find abundant life! Philippians 2:4 says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”

Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayer shall be for others.

Others, Lord, yes others,
Let this my motto be,
Help me to live for others,
That I may live like Thee.







“Dear God and Father, I thank you that you have given me life an abundant life to live. You have ordained my career of nurturing and training children. Help me to do it with joy and exuberance. Amen.”




I’ve got a life, exciting and free,
I’ve found the secret, it’s not about me!


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