“Set me free and rescue me from the grasp of foreigners whose mouths speak lies, whose right hands are deceptive. Then our sons will be like plants,
nurtured in their youth, our daughters,
like corner pillars that are carved in the palace style”
(Psalm 144:11, 12 HCSB).

There are so many voices in the world. What voices are you hearing? Do we hear Do you hear Jesus’ voice speaking to you? If our ears and mind are filled with all the voices of the world around us, it is difficult to hear His voice. But Jesus’ voice is the only voice of truth (John 14:6). Other voices may seem like the truth. They may sound wise, but they can deceive us.

When Satan came to tempt Eve, he didn’t tempt her with blatant wickedness. He knew Eve would not be tempted with deliberate evil, therefore he tempted her with that which seemed wise, good, and pleasant to the eyes (Genesis 3:6). This is how he continues to deceive us.

John 10:3-5 says: “The sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.”

What powerful words. We must get to know the voice of Jesus and so we can discern the voice of strangers. WE MUST NEVER LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF STRANGERS! That means all that is foreign to God, His truth, and His word.

What a powerful mandate we have from God to teach our precious children to hear the voice of God and how to discern the voices of strangers. We are most careful to teach our children to never listen to a stranger on the street or go with a stranger. But are we teaching them to NEVER LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF STRANGERS IN THEIR EARS?

The voices of humanism, feminism, equalism, agnosticism, same-sexism, transgenderism, and atheism, etc. are prevalent in our society. They are strangers to God’s truth. And let’s get the message again. Jesus said that His sheep will NEVER LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF STRANGERS. They will run from them.

When we put our children in public school, we release them to listen to the voice of strangers, not because the teacher maybe a stranger, but the ideologies of our current school system are anti-God ideologies. They advocate alternative lifestyles rather than biblical, evolution rather than creation, abortion rather than life, and anarchy rather than patriotism, etc. Many of the young people protesting and rioting in our colleges and on the streets are victims of our high school and college brainwashing.

Psalm 1:1, 2 states: “Blessed is the man that walks NOT in the counsel of the ungodly, NOR stands in the way of sinners, NOR sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the Law of the LORD.”

David was so concerned about the voice of strangers in the land of Israel that he prayed: “Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speak vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.” The NET says: “Grab me and rescue me from the power of foreigners, who speak lies . . .” He cried out this prayer two times in Psalm 144, verses 7 and 11. 

Why did he pray this prayer? Because he wanted the sons of Israel to be like “plants grown up in their youth” and the daughters of Israel to be like the “corner stones of a palace.” His concern was that the children and young people would not be deceived by lies but walk in truth.

Do your children hear the words of Jesus each day? Are you filling them with the truth of God’s word? Or are they filled with strange voices from public school or from their iPhones and social media?

We must teach our children to RUN FROM the voice of strangers. This is a huge part of your parenting.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell



“Dear Lord Jesus, I want to know Your voice clearly speaking to me. I want my children to get to know Your voice so they will discern the voice of strangers. Help me to faithfully teach them Your truths and Your words to them. Help me to fill them up to the top with Your words for it is only Your living Word that exposes the lies of the devil. Amen.”


God’s word is a lie detector. I am filling my children with God’s truths so they will grow up discerning the lies of the devil.

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