I Have A Purpose, No. 303


“Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work”
(John 4:34).

Jesus’ life-work, which was food to him, was to do and accomplish His Father’s will. Our food should also be to fulfill the Father’s will. His perfect will for our lives as mothers is to embrace the high calling of motherhood which He has given to us and to make it our “food,” not a “little snack”!

Not only was it Jesus’ food and life to do the Father’s will, but it was also His delight. Psalm 40:6-8 says, “Sacrifice and offering thou dist not desire… burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.” Jesus came as the Lamb of God to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and to offer His life. He delighted to do His Father’s will, even though, in the flesh, He would rather this “cup” was taken away from him (Matthew 26:39, 42). Do we also delight in our calling?

Do you notice that He did not hide His life purpose in His heart, but affirmed it, confessed it and made it known! It is important to confess our purpose. It will become our life and our food far more as we confess it than if we only hide it in our hearts. Confessing releases action. Confessing keeps you on target. Confessing your purpose keeps you going when everything goes against your purpose!

The following is a statement of purpose for you as a mother. You may like to enlarge the type, print it out and pin it up in your kitchen to encourage you each day. Don’t only read it. Remember to confess it out loud and affirm your purpose, even as Jesus did.


I am not l anguishing I am not floundering. I am not deceived.

I have a vision. I know who I am and who God created me to be.

I know my purpose. I have direction. I know God’s mandate for my life.

I am walking in the perfect will of God.

I know it’s not easy. I know it’s hard. But I’ve counted the cost. My goal is set. How could my career be easy when I am impacting this nation for God?

Also the generations to come! And eternity!

How can it be easy when I am destroying the plans of the devil?

Such is the power of my God-ordained career,

the highest calling ever given to women—motherhood!

I have embraced my calling. I am not intimidated by antagonists.

I will not be moved. My heart is fixed.

I may be hidden in my home, but look out world! I am sharpening and polishing my arrows. I am getting them ready to shoot forth and destroy the works of the enemy. In the power and anointing of God I am advancing His kingdom!


P     Passionately mothering!
U     Unflinchingly keeping my eyes on the goal!
R     Regularly and Richly imparting God’s Word to my children!
P     Praying constantly—my heart always looking to the Lord!
O     Ordering and managing my home with diligence!
S     Saturating my husband and children with love and encouragement.
E     Embracing and nurturing the children God is giving to me.






“Dear Father, please help me to not only do and delight in your high calling for my life, but to finish my task. I want to daily affirm it before you, my family and others. Amen.”




I am no longer floundering for I have a purpose!


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