WillYouDoItOh how blessed we are to serve a God who cannot lie. It is impossible for God to lie. He is the changeless One. His promises are immutable. We can trust them with our lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 says: “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also WILL DO IT.” I love these words.
Philippians 1:6 states: “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you WILL PERFORM IT until the day of Jesus Christ.”
God will do it. You can count on it.
However, because God is a faithful God and He has made us to be His people, He wants us to be faithful too. As we are faithful, even in the very little things, we show forth the character of God.
There are many things we don’t feel like doing but WE DO THEM because we are faithful. Just like God is faithful. Faithfulness is action. It takes doing things. Doing things we really can’t be bothered doing. Mundane things. Duty things. Preparing and cooking meals three times a day every day! Yes, we do them because we are faithful and in being faithful, we reveal this attribute of God’s character to our children and to those around us. How will our children know that God is a faithful God if they don’t see us being faithful?
We are faithful to keep our word. Our word is our bond. When we say something, WE WILL DO IT. Amen?
Let’s cultivate a character of faithfulness. Faithfulness to God, our husbands, our homes, our motherhood, our daily duties, and what we say. And let’s impart this character to our children. We have a generation that does not know the meaning of keeping their word. If we belong to God’s kingdom, we’ll be faithful to keep our word just as God is faithful to Keep His Word.
Be blessed.
Nancy Campbell

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