He also wants to keep us in the dark about the blessing of having children. Yes, he really hates this truth! To bring forth the godly seed is anathema to the devil.
We see how the enemy became very agitated when the children of Israel multiplied in Egypt. The new Pharaoh was shaking in his boots. He said to his people: "Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; LEST THEY MULTIPLY." The devil is scared of God's people multiplying. He does everything in his power to "rob, kill, and destroy" to stop children coming into the world.
Will we give in to his strategy to hide the revelation of God in the earth? Or are we on God's side? We can be so assimilated and even mesmerized by our godless and humanistic society that we fail to recognize that when we oppose or deny life coming into the world that we are on the devil's side. It's a plain fact that the devil hates life but God loves life. Which side are we on?
Each new baby is a fresh revelation of the image of God on earth. Let's not hold back the revelation of God. Let's not hold back the children God wants to bring into this world.
I am so glad you are a testimony of God's truth and that you are shining His light in the midst of the darkness. Keep spreading the truth. Never be silent.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell