Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

“There is one point I’d like to add. When you’re a mama with children at home, and you read your Bible on your smart phone, the children don’t see you spending time in God’s Word. As far as they can tell all phone activity is the same. You may be on social media, watching videos, texting, endlessly scrolling—they do not know. And they won’t internalize the message that God’s word is so important that Mama spends lengthy times in the Word daily. They just see how attractive and addictive a phone is.”
I think that’s a good point too, don’t you?
In case you missed this devotion, you can go to:
Where Have Our Bibles Gone? | Above Rubies Women's Email Devotional
~ Nancy