WhatsProblemIt is amazing that many blogging mothers share about how motherhood is “so hard.” They talk about how it’s necessary to get away from their children.

I will concede that we face challenges in motherhood. We must work hard. It takes laying down our lives and pouring out our souls. But isn’t that what the Christian life is all about? It’s not about “I deserve an easy life,” or “I shouldn’t have to face any problems.” That’s an entitlement philosophy.

Why do mothers want to run away from motherhood? Why do they have to escape? That’s running away from who we are. Who God created us to be. Why run from who you are? Shouldn’t we embrace who we are? It’s only when we embrace who we are that we live in the fullness and joy of it (Psalm 113:9). Many mothers find it hard because they haven’t embraced who they are. They think they could be doing something else. They have the wrong attitude.

What attitude did Jesus have when He to this earth? Not to be served but to serve (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 8:34, 35; and 9:33-37). To lay down His life. And we are encouraged to have the same attitude (Philippians 2:5-8).

Let’s read Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” God’s kingdom life is opposite to the natural, but it’s the only way that works. We try to save our own lives and we lose. We lose our own life for our family and others and we save it! It’s an eternal principle.

We have a strange phenomenon today that many mothers call themselves mothers and yet do not want to embrace the role of motherhood. They love their children but don’t love motherhood. How sad to not LOVE what has created you to do and called you to do.

Be blessed in your home today,

Nancy Campbell


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