We are a word-formed people. Our children are word-formed people. They become what we speak into their lives. Our words determine the course of their destiny--for greatness or for destruction. Children shrivel up with negative words or thrive on encouragement. As they grow, we reap the reward of the words we continually speak into their lives.
Proverbs 12:18 (GNB): “Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.”
Proverbs 15:4 (GNB): “Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit.”
Proverbs 18:20, 21 (GNB): “You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it, so you must accept the consequences of your words.”
What are you speaking into the lives of your children today?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell