By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 09 June 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


The inspirational writer, A. W. Tozer writes: "How can God continually manifest His presence to the proud and the arrogant when He is so humble and low? To the lukewarm and the carless when He is so zealous? To the hard and the vengeful when He is so forgiving? To the harsh and severe when He is so kind? To the calculating when His love led Him to die? When we are so stained, how can we have fellowship with Him?"

And yet He makes a way for us through the death of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only did Jesus die and take our punishment for sin that we deserved, but He comes to dwell in our hearts. As we allow His Holy Spirit to work in our hearts, He changes us into His image and makes us more like Him.

But even though He longs to dwell with us and commune with us, He is grieved when we allow sin in our lives for He cannot fellowship with sin. We must keep short accounts with God (1 John 1:7, 9).

A. W. Tozer writes again: "I think that repentance is called for. We need to repent of unlikeness (to Him); of unholiness in the presence of the holy; of self-indulgence in the presence of the selfless Christ; of harshness in the presence of the kind Christ; of hardness in the presence of the forgiving Christ; of lukewarmness in the presence of the zealous Christ, burning like a fiery flame; of worldliness and earthliness in the presence of the heavenly Christ."

What a difference it makes in our homes and all our relationships as we allow the Holy Spirit to conform us to His image (Romans 8: 29).

May God pour out His blessings upon you in your home today, Nancy Campbell