There are women have a tubal ligation and do not have any ramifications. Unfortunately, there are many who experience serious and unexplained side affects that they were never told they would experience. Doctors do not even understand these aftereffects. To name a few—severe depression, panic attacks, hormone loss, unexplained body pains, mood swings, and early menopause. And yes, we can’t forget loss of libido. Who wants to go through that?
What is a tubal ligation? It is a surgical procedure where they tie, clip, or burn the fallopian tubes to prevent the fertilization of an egg. It is sterilization which leads to another unexpected side effect—regret! Many women do not expect this.
I don’t believe we can tamper with the way God created our bodies and get away with it. God created us perfectly. When we try to change our bodies from the way He planned for us, we can expect negative things to happen. And we cannot expect to live in wholeness.
In fact, when Jesus healed people, the Bible often says that they were “made whole” from that moment. To be “made whole” is the Greek word “sozo” which means to be “saved, healed, preserved, delivered, and MADE WHOLE.” This word is also used when the Bible tells us that women will be preserved through embracing motherhood (1 Timothy 2:15).
God wants mothers to BE WHOLE! Sadly, a woman is no longer whole when she cuts off her fallopian tubes. Sadly, she is now mutilated, apart from the fact that she is also sterilized!
And I have a little thought. Men (through vasectomies) and women (through tubal ligations) both began changing the way God created them to stop having children. Now, mankind is going even further and seeking to change to the opposite sex! How further down the track will we go?
Dear lovely mother, if you have been contemplating a tubal ligation, I would encourage you to forget about it completely. Why set yourself up for future problems, both physically and emotionally? The healthiest and sanest thing you can do is to STAY WHOLE!
Blessings from Nancy Campbell